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Dude, Sweet Dachshund-Flip Off That Hubba

First, there were wooden planks with roller skate wheels. Next, pressed wood decks with polyurethane wheels fixed with custom trucks. Now, the next stage in skateboarding technology is upon us – the dogboard.

Dogboarding from DANIELS on Vimeo.

Clearly, this is fake. If I hear about any of you snapping your dog in half trying to boardslide down a rail, you’re an idiot.

Made by DANIELS. Found on GIZMODO.

The overlord demands you FOLLOW MATTHEW on TWITTER or else you’ll be filled with sadness forever.

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  1. Guido says:

    The problem with this: Some idiotic nitwit will actually try it with a real dog. This is nonsense.

  2. scrufy1 says:

    that was sweeeet hahahaha

  3. Hurricane Ditka says:

    I know this isn’t real…. But wow did it mess with my brain.

    Has PETA released a formal statement yet?

  4. Patch says:

    WTF is this?!?! This kind of stunt shouldn’t be endorsed. You know how stupid people can be. SMH. SMH.