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Donald Trump is Hosting SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE in November

If TV stations work the same way that websites work when they post an incredibly popular piece of content—viewers flock to the site and risk overloading its servers and shutting the website down—then NBC might need to prepare to go off the air a few Saturdays from now: Republican Presidential candidate and hair magnate Donald Trump is set to host the November 7 episode of Saturday Night Live.

This is not a drill: Trump will appear with musical guest Sia for his second time hosting the program—he previously did so in 2004—and if it were up to him, Trump would not have waited so long to host again. He previously said, “I had a great time. They actually asked me to do it a second time, but I wasn’t able to do it because I was away.”

During Trump’s previous hosting appearance, he appeared in promos with Darrell Hammond as Trump, and converted a defunct New Jersey muffler shop into a chicken wing restaurant, which he said was the most important thing he’s ever done in his entire life.

A lot has changed for Trump since then: He’s now running for president and is in the spotlight more than ever, so there is so much more to work with this time around. Maybe Trump could host a Pink Floyd public access show that focuses exclusively on their 1979 album The Wall? Perhaps he plays a dissatisfied Supercuts customer, or an inquisitive border patrol officer?

The possibilities are endless, so let’s speculate in the comments about what sorts of wonder Trump hosting SNL next month could hold.

HT: The Hollywood Reporter
Featured image courtesy of Gage Skidmore

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