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Donald Glover And A Guy Who Just Met Him Do “La Biblioteca” Live

So Donald Glover did a show at this guy’s college. The guy got to meet the Community star. And he asked if Donald would join him in doing the “La Biblioteca” rap, with the guy handling Abed’s part. This is that:

Compare and contrast with the original:

HT: BuzzFeed

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  1. smartbunny says:

    Donglover is the shit. This raises my hopes of someday singing a verse of American Dinosaurs with HnP.

  2. AMAZING! I have tickets for Donald Glover’s Boston show, I wonder if he’s just doing Childish Gambino, or if he’s doing a stand up set too.

  3. Thanks for posting this up here 😀 and yeah, it was at UT Dallas 🙂

  4. Lucy says:

    That…was pretty awesome. Although I think anything Community related is awesome. But props to that dude, it takes balls to do something like that.

  5. Mike says:

    no its not Emory it was posted a day before the emory one

  6. Tommy says:

    Yeah that happened at The University of Texas at Dallas a couple weeks back. I was there when it happened, was hilarious!

  7. Kyle says:

    Got to see that rap live. Was standing just to the left of them. Our school is University of Texas at Dallas.

  8. Rail says:

    Easily one of my favorite things from Community. I’ll have to bring that up when he comes around here on his tour. Mr. Donald glover is awesome. So is Pudi.

  9. David says:

    hahahah! Thank you nerdist for turning me on to Community! Awesome.

  10. Abby says:

    I’m pretty sure this happened at Emory University. Donald did a set here last week. <3 him

  11. codeh davis says:

    I just watched this episode today, this is an amazing show.

  12. Brian E. says:

    That was amazing! Loved Donald’s reaction at the end.