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Domhnall Gleeson Shares Genius STAR WARS Spinoff Ideas for Hux

Who is the most beloved character in all of Star Wars? Think it through. No, look at the headline of this article and try again. As Domhnall Gleeson tells MTV’s After Hours, it’s obviously General Armitage Hux. Gleeson’s conniving First Order general appeared in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, and though he’s perhaps best known for his rivalry with Kylo Ren, it’s only a matter of time before he breaks out into the spotlight, right?

Look, if Hux’s military career doesn’t work out, Gleeson has plenty of spinoff ideas for Hux stories. Hux can find something to do no matter where he is in the galaxy. Gleeson presents his brilliant pitches in the below video, and friends, I’m not exaggerating when I say this is one of the funniest things I’ve watched this week. His comedic delivery is so very on point.

I refuse to choose a single favorite pitch, but “If Hux Could Kill” is one of the best of Gleeson’s ideas. Hux on Canto Bight in a film noir setting (hey, why don’t we have a film noir Star Wars movie yet?). And the Taken meets Taken 2 idea?! I’m crying. Domhnall, I don’t think these are bad ideas. You should get Kathleen Kennedy’s phone number and spitball until a Hux pitch sticks.

Do you give a Hux about seeing more Hux? Share your very best Hux spinoff titles in the comments. Just don’t take six months to develop them.

Images: MTV, Lucasfilm

Amy Ratcliffe is an Associate Editor for Nerdist. She likes Star Wars a little. Follow her on Twitter.

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