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Does “Apes” Rise to the Occasion?


Saturday morning, my wife and I went to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes. This film is an origin story that doesn’t ignore the original “Apes” movies from the late 60s and 70s, nor does it completely re-write the history of the 2001 Burton disaster. That being said, it has nothing to do with any of these films either and has the potential to kick off a new “Apes” franchise.

Directed by Rupert Wyatt, who was previously unknown to me, Rise of the Planet of the Apes is set in modern day San Francisco and tells the story of Will Rodman, played by James Franco, a genetic scientist searching for the cure to Alzheimer’s in hopes of saving his father, played heartbreakingly by John Lithgow.

Rodman’s formula shows major changes in brain function for one of the apes named Bright Eyes. After what appears to be a side effect of major aggression, the research is shut down and the apes are ordered to be destroyed. Fortunately, scientist Robert Franklin, played by Tyler Labine (Dale of Tucker & Dale vs. Evil or the drunk Pittsburgh fan from Zack and Miri Make a Porno) doesn’t have the heart to destroy the offspring of Bright Eyes. Rodman reluctantly agrees to take care of the young ape until a suitable home can be found. As an aside, the interactions between Lithgow’s character and Caesar are truly touching.

On the other hand, we have Brian Cox and Tom Felton (Malfoy had a bit of a problem with his accent), who play a deplorable father-son duo that operate a primate sanctuary in San Francisco. These two embody the worst qualities of humanity in their interaction with the apes.

If you watch this movie closely, you can tell that it was made with great respect to the original films. There are several nods to Planet of the Apes strewn throughout the film. I think I will need another viewing to catch them all.

The star of this film is Gollum himself, Andy Serkis, and his incredibly expressive face, which brings Caesar to life through the latest motion capture technology. What elevates this film above some of the recent box office schlock is the character development. The characters feel real and draw the viewer into the film. You care about Rodman’s dad, Caesar, and even Maurice, the circus orangutan.

The film is good, it is fun, and Wyatt gives us characters where we don’t mind the emotional investment, but the coolest part is the apes wreaking havoc on San Francisco. I wanted more of that and hopefully, we will get more.

Harry Potter was a good end to the franchise, but Rise of the Planet of the Apes is my favorite film of the year so far, and, hopefully, it will be the beginning of a new franchise.

How much would I pay to see this again? Out of $10, I would pay $10. The apes are worth it!

Jay Fralick is the co-host of the Wanna Watch a Movie? Podcast

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  1. jaci says:

    HEY, HEY, HEY!
    I just saw a documentary in Manhattan about a viral video star (Jimmy McMillian) and it was hilarious and sad which equals AWESOME. Check it out on iTunes! Check out the trailer on
    It got better reviews than this movie AND it’s only $11!! It’s at Cinema Village in Chelsea 😉
    K, thnx bai!
    P.S. I think you are totally awesome.

  2. chris says:

    This movie was decent. Check out my blog posting Big Ape Mistake to find out how good or bad the 2001 Planet of the Apes really was.

  3. Fausto rivera says:

    I saw the film today … And I loved it. My favorite part is the answer to the damn dirty apes yell . I wonder if the next film is either the war or the whole planet with the ship or something else I can’t wait

  4. @humanprototype0 says:

    First off I don’t understand all the hate for Planet Of The Apes. Aside from Marky Mark being Marky Mark I thought it was great.

    Rise was excellent. My only small complaint is that James Franco didn’t sound like a scientist when he was talking science, he sounded like a boxer who had been hit in the head too many times.

  5. CaptainxBumout says:

    This movie was awesome! It’s in my top 3 favorite movies of the year along with Super 8 and X-Men First Class.

  6. Kay-Tee says:

    The storytelling is what sets this movie apart from other summer blockbusters. Great film all around.

  7. Ben says:

    @John you know that the “black power” first was the Revolution fist before it was specifically associated with black power. Hence the tag line “Evolution becomes Revolution” The fist has long been a symbol of revolution.

  8. John says:

    I am disturbed by this, but that looks like the “black power” fist on the poster right?

  9. Stephan says:

    Loved this movie. I also thought the Apes running through San Francisco was brilliant. Did anyone else notices that the apes weren’t trying to intentionally kill anybody. Out of all that destruction, only a couple died. Amazing story.

  10. *Bonk* says:

    I really liked this movie, but had the urge to stand up and ask people if they understood what they were applauding when there was clapping a the end of the Golden Gate battle sequence. The protaganist wins – but should we really want him to?

  11. Jak3 says:

    The above is a well written summary without any spoilers. I’d like to stress two great things about this movie: 1) John Lithgow’s performance will move you. 2) The monkey’s in this move are really emotive and the special effects used to render them really makes the movie.

    Bottom Line: Don’ think this a lame Harry and the Henderson thing. Go see this movie and enjoy the great storytelling at work.

  12. Three Toes of Fury says:

    When it comes to these movies, i love every one i see. From Chimpan A to Chimpan Z. (#troymcclure-shout-out).

  13. Livius says:

    I loved this movie. So many memorable shots too. I loved the part with Caesar and his 3 generals on top of the streetcar.

  14. I already saw this movie as an unexpected bonus before Captain America a couple of weeks ago.