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Documentary About TWIN PEAKS’ Log Lady Needs Your Help to Get Made

In a cast with some 40 regular characters, the Log Lady was nevertheless a major standout in David Lynch and Mark Frost’s cult classic Twin Peaks. A local eccentric named Margaret Lanterman, she was nicknamed the Log Lady as she always carried a log around with her that she claimed spoke to her in a language only she could hear. The Log Lady was played by a longtime friend of David Lynch, actress Catherine E. Coulson, who has been with him since his first major film, Eraserhead. Now, a documentary feature called I Know Catherine, The Log Lady is being made about one of Twin Peaks’ most iconic faces.

The movie is being directed by Richard Green (who has worked with both Coulson and David Lynch, most famously as the MC at Club Silencio in Mulholland Dr.), and will explore the life of this notable American actress and accomplished camerawoman, who became an international icon for her role on Twin Peaks and Showtime’s Twin Peaks: The Return before she passed away in 2015 due to cancer. Her incredibly moving final scenes as Margaret, who was likewise dying of cancer, gave her a chance to say one last farewell to fans, and vice versa.

The film is currently in pre-production and just launched its Kickstarter engagement campaign with the hopes to to raise $250,000 by June 16. A portion of the funds will be used to acquire the licensing of essential Twin Peaks  footage starring Coulson, as well as archival footage of her stage performances.

One-of-a-kind exclusive rewards include: Custom-made and David Lynch approved “Answer Log,” made out of real wood and blessed with the mystical power to answer your everyday questions, trees dedicated in backers’ names in the official Log Lady Grove through TreePeople, and opportunities for backers to offer direct editorial input to early and later cuts of the film with director Richard Green and team. And additional, mysterious rewards to be unlocked as the campaign hits milestones. To support the making of this film, head over to the Kickstarter campaign before June 16.

What do you think about this documentary being made about one of Twin Peaks’ most famous citizens? Let us know your thoughts down below in the comments.

Images: CBS

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