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Doctor Who vs. Graphic Noveldom

From our friends over at, the BBC have commissioned their first graphic novel.  Naturally, they’ve chosen their resident Gallifreyan adventurer to be the star.  The novel will be called “The Only Good Dalek” and will see the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond fighting the metallic Nazi pepperpots on Station 7, the super-ultra-mighty secret base where the Earthlings send Dalek POWs.  I sure hope the Daleks don’t find out and try to do a prison break.  Or watch Prison Break.  This is pretty exciting and might even prompt the Beeb to make this a regular thing, not unlike the Doctor Who Adventure Games, which have just been renewed for a second run next year.  Yay official merchandise!!  You can pre-order the graphic novel right now on for not very much money.

Thanks again, GeekChicDaily!

Image: Random House UK

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  1. Kyle Anderson says:

    @Andy and Rhaco

    True, IDW has had a monthly Doctor Who series for quite some time, but this is the first one put out by the BBC directly, as well as being the first appearance of the Eleventh Doctor, though IDW is switching Doctors here fairly soon.

  2. Andy says:

    @ Rhaco

    Well there is a Doctor Who ongoing monthly comic but it still stars the Tenth Doctor and has been going for a while now. I think this is just the first straight graphic novel and also the first comic appearance of the Eleventh Doctor.

  3. Sophia says:

    I looooove Doctor Who. Matt Smith is super-duper hot. He’s a manly alien. Il est trop mignon. Oh lala. It’s french.

  4. How on earth is this the first one!?!?!

    That’s it, everyone at the BBC in one long line so I can kick all your asses.


  5. Azza says:

    Martha Smith-Jones to you buddy

  6. Christina says:

    YES. Pre-ordered 🙂

  7. Chelsea says:

    YES PLEASE! *faints from the amazingness*

  8. CassiCost says:

    Is that Martha Jones?
    Kinda liked the comic section of Dr Who Adventures- but it was never enough! Excited to see a full comic being made.