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DOCTOR WHO Twelfth Doctor Graphic Novel Gets a Trailer

It’s pretty astonishing to think that it’s been nearly a year (well, nine months, I suppose) since Peter Capaldi emerged from the TARDIS and began his tenure as, in the actor’s own words, Doctor Who. You know, the lead character on the TV series Doctor Who. (Seriously, I love that he’s both one of the biggest fans of the show in history and a guy who doesn’t care that people, including himself, call the character “Doctor Who.” It’s my favorite thing.)

This upcoming anniversary also means Titan Comics have been doing their line of Doctor Who monthly, which began in July of last year. Now it’s already been long enough for a collected first volume to be coming out on Wednesday May 27.

Unlike the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor books, which take place sometime in between companions, the Twelfth Doctor books are meant to go right alongside the TV adventures, with Clara Oswald as the companion. The books are written by Robbie Morrison with art by Dave Taylor and Mariano Laclaustra, and coloring by Hi-Fi Color and Luis Guerrero. Like the first issue, the collected volume, which has the banner title “Terrorformer,” features the photographic-inspired cover image by Alice X. Zhang. The storylines in the book take the Doctor and Clara to the ice planet of Isen IV and to Mumbai, India, where they encounter a Kali-worshipping Thugee cult, just like in Temple of Doom!

The collection is 128 pages of pure Rebel Time Lord, and is available starting this week. Check out more of the great images in the above trailer.

Where do you hope the Twelfth Doctor will go next, both on TV and in the comics? Let us know below!

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