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DOCTOR WHO: The Doctor Meets the Gang in New Clips from “Time Heist”

With Doctor Who‘s eighth series up and running, and coming off of the amazing fourth episode, “Listen,” the pairing of Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman seem to be really hitting their stride, as does the show as a whole. The next episode, “Time Heist,” looks to have a lot of early promise with its heroes teaming up with a couple of super-powered criminals to help rob the most secure bank in the universe. A new clip of the Doctor and Clara meeting officially meeting the other members of their safe-cracking squad sheds a little light on the cyber-enhanced gamer and the mutant human, played respectively by Jonathan Bailey (Broadchurch) and Pippa Bennett-Warner (The Smoke).

The new monster for the episode is something called “The Teller,” a giant, hammerhead-looking alien who can apparently tell when people are guilty of something. Sort of like if Ree-Yees from Star Wars had a built-in lie detector. Pretty helpful, methinks.

The BBC has also released a small introduction to the episode featuring interviews with Capaldi, Coleman, and Steven Moffat. I’m particularly pleased by P-Caps’ declaration that “Time Heist” is like Ocean’s Eleven meets 2001: A Space Odyssey, which I think might be the makings for the best-sounding mashup of disparate film ideas in history.

Perhaps nothing gets me more excited about a show than a mystery and a ticking-clock element. That’s just drama in a bottle right there, friends. Plus, I’m very interested to see what Keeley Hawes will be like as Ms. Delphox, the villain of the piece. I mean, she’s already got the glasses and the stern look, so I’m already sold (and turned on).

“Time Heist”, co-written by Moffat and Stephen Thompson and directed by Douglas Mackinnon, airs Saturday, September 20th at 9/8c on BBC America.

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