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DOCTOR WHO: SUPREMACY OF THE CYBERMEN #1 Unites the Doctors (Preview)

It may be another seven years before we see a team-up of the Doctors in celebration of Doctor Who‘s 60th anniversary in 2023, but Titan Comics isn’t going to make us wait that long! Later this week, Titan is launching Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen # 1, the kickoff of an event that will bring together the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors as they face off against their common enemy!

For 50 years, the various incarnations of the Doctor have put a stop to the plans of the Cybermen. But what if the Cybermen were finally victorious across the entire span of their history? In this story, that’s no longer a hypothetical situation. Writers Cavan Scott and George Mann have taken their cue from the ninth season finale of Doctor Who; the exiled Time Lord President Rassilon has been captured by the Cybermen, and now they finally have access to time travel. With that power at their hands, the Cybermen have either killed all of their enemies or converted them into Cybermen as well!

Titan has released the first few pages of Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen # 1 by artist Alessandro Vitti, which finds the Twelfth Doctor back on Karn…and it is apparently his favorite place to crash!

Doctor Who Supremacy of the Cybermen #1 Preview 3

You can find the rest of the preview pages in our gallery below, along with the various covers for the first issue. Note that one of the covers actually features the Doctor transformed into a Cyberman himself, which is a pretty alarming image for Whovians.

Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen will be a five part event, with art by Ivan Rodriguez, Walter Giovanni, and Nicola Righi. The storyline will also include Rose and Captain Jack Harkness from the Ninth Doctor’s era alongside the comic book exclusive companions Gabby, Cindy, and Alice. The first issue will be released this Wednesday, July 6, in advance of this weekend’s third annual Doctor Who Comics Day on Saturday, July 9. For more about the various signings and events of Doctor Who Comics Day, click on this link!

What did you think about the preview pages from Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen # 1? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Images: Titan Comics


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