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DOCTOR WHO Has a Premiere Date, and It’s a Sunday Now

When Doctor Who returns in the fall, it’s making the move to Sundays! October 7 is the confirmed return date for the series, so we it’s like Christmas comes early this year. Earlier than Halloween, even, because the Doctor doesn’t always obey the so-called rules of time. Here’s a five-second announcement that confirms it:

Says the ever family-conscious showrunner Chris Chibnall, “Get everybody’s homework done, sort out your Monday clothes, then grab some special Sunday night popcorn, and settle down with all of the family for Sunday night adventures across space and time. (Also, move the sofa away from the wall so parents can hide behind it during the scary bits).”

My recollection is that homework was never done until the last minute Sunday night, so it’s kind of him to remind kids to do it sooner. And arguably quite optimistic. But he’s dead right about parents being more easily scared of fictional alien monsters than kids are.

The first episode will be titled “The Woman Who Fell to Earth,” which presumably refers to the new Doctor, Jodie Whittaker. But considering the sort of show we’re dealing with, it probably has a double meaning somewhere. Perhaps a David Bowie nod at some point?

What do you think of Sunday as the new Doctor Who day? Materialize in comments and tell us what you think!

Image: BBC

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