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DOCTOR WHO Clips: Gone in 66 Seconds and Queen Foxes

Today’s episode of Doctor Who has, like “Robot of Sherwood,” a really good punny joke title — “Mummy on the Orient Express,” of course a take-off of that famous Agatha Christie story where the murderer is [REDACTED BECAUSE OF SPOILERS I GUESS]. Whether or not that twist will come in this episode is yet to be seen (although it’s only a few hours away now), but what we do know is that the Orient Express in question is in space, perhaps finally going to that place the Eleventh Doctor, Amy, and Rory were going to go after the wedding in “The Big Bang,” and that the mummy in question kills people within 66 seconds of picking them. We don’t know why, but maybe we don’t need to. Not yet anyway.

We have below a clip of what is probably the opening scene to the episode, in which a stuffy old lady is slowly approached and attacked by the mummy all the while her daughter and others on board can see nothing. It’s actually super terrifying, and the mummy looks quite good. Have a look!

Our second clip is a preview of Doctor Who Extra, the 10-15 minute behind-the-scenes program that shows up on YouTube right after the episode. It’s sort of a spiritual successor to the late lamented Doctor Who Confidential. Anyway, this clip features “Mummy”‘s guest actress, the pop singer Foxes, doing her rendition of Queen’s immortal classic “Don’t Stop Me Now,” in a very jazzy style. She sounds pretty good. Also, who is Foxes again?

“Mummy on the Orient Express” is written by Jamie Mathieson and directed by Paul Wilmshurst, donchaknow. Come back later this evening for my review of the episode!

Image: BBC

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