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DOCTOR STRANGE Promo Introduces Us to Dogster Strange and the Pooch Avengers

DOCTOR STRANGE Promo Introduces Us to Dogster Strange and the Pooch Avengers

I’m not sure what it is, but we all become blithering idiots whenever we see pets dressed up in adorable costumes. This is always the case even though we know that every single animal hates being forced to wear them, and would much rather be running around naked and sniffing each other. And when it’s pets dressed up as superheroes? Well, we become even bigger idiots.

So with that in mind, Marvel Studios has released a new promo online for the upcoming Doctor Strange film. The video features the movie’s star Benedict Cumberbatch alongside a bunch of adorable pups dressed up as the Avengers, and of course a pug as the Doctor himself. And just in time for Halloween too. You can see the promo in question in the tweet down below.

I’ll admit the above video is all kinds of adorable, but I think that “Dogster Strange,” as they call him, gets outshined in the cuteness department by the pooch in the Captain America outfit. Yeah, I know Dogster Strange is a pug, and pugs are the cutest, but just look at this Cap dog. I can’t even handle it.

Doctor Strange is finally coming out in less than a week (read our review here), and Disney and Marvel Studios are pulling out all the stops to make sure people go see it, including resorting to dressing up puppies in ridiculous costumes. But hey, whatever gets butts in seats. Doctor Strange stars Cumberbatch, Tilda Swinton, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Mads Mikkelsen, Benedict Wong, and Rachel McAdams. The film officially hits theaters on Friday, November 4.

What do you think of the canine Doctor Strange? New costume idea for your pet for Halloween maybe? Let us know down below in the comments.

Nine strange things you didn’t know about Doctor Strange:

 Images: Marvel Studios 

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