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DJ Yoda’s STRANGER THINGS Mixtape Takes You Back to the ’80s

DJ Yoda’s STRANGER THINGS Mixtape Takes You Back to the ’80s

Let’s be honest — the new Netflix series Stranger Things is the best pop culture anything of the summer so far. The show, a spooky sci-fi mystery set in a small Indiana town in the early ’80s, is what would have happened if Steven Spielberg, Stephen King and John Carpenter decided to get together and make a TV mini-series in 1983. If that sounds as awesome to you as it should, then you owe it to yourself to check out Stranger Things at your earliest possible convenience.

But for those of us who have binged watched all 8 hours of the show already, what do we have to tide us all over until an official release of the official Stranger Things soundtrack (which we have been assured is coming soon), or a second season?? Well, thanks to the folks at Vice’s Noisy blog, we’ve learned that UK-based DJ Yoda has just released an hour-long mixtape inspired by the show that should satiate our need for all things Stranger in the meantime.

Not only does DJ Yoda’s mixtape contain music used in the series itself, but it also has a healthy amount of snippets of dialogue from the show dispersed throughout, mostly from the series’ amazing kid actors. The mixtape includes songs by Toto, Dolly Parton, Jefferson Airplane and more, with pop hits from the era that would have fit right into the show.

There’s also music from films that were clear inspirations to Stranger Things — you can hear Freddy’s theme from A Nightmare on Elm Street in there, as well as “People are Strange” by Echo and the Bunnymen from The Lost Boys. And there are other cool surprises throughout.

You can here all of DJ Yoda’s Stranger Things mixtape, via Soundcloud, down below.

Did this cool mixtape give you all the nostalgic feels that the show did? Let us know your thoughts down below in the comments.

Image: Netflix

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