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Dive Into DOUBLE JUMP with Gearbox’s Randy Pitchford

dbljmpIf you can pry yourself away from the mean streets of Los Santos long enough to watch a video on the Internet, then feed your need for constant video game-related action with a brand new episode of Double Jump, the video game talk show on the Nerdist Channel. Your players 1 and 2, Jeff Cannata and Christian Spicer, sit down with Gearbox head honcho and former Nerdist podcast guest Randy Pitchford (Borderlands 2) to talk about what got him into programming, the fundamental conflicts of game design, and what the hell happened with Aliens: Colonial Marines.

If you want to skip right to the interview, it starts around 4:39. Otherwise, you can hear Jeff and Christian wax comedic about the effect Yelp and video game reviews have on our psychology and take a field trip to the Double Jump editorial offices before they get down and dirty with Randy himself.

Want to go a little bit deeper with Randy? Check out my interview with him from this year’s D.I.C.E. Awards! What’s your favorite Gearbox game? Let us know in the comments below or hit me up on Twitter, then watch even more episodes of Double Jump before you wearily return to evading police officers and helping Tonya tow cars around Vinewood.


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