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This Dad Makes Amazing Disney and STAR WARS Bento Box Lunches

Getting kids to eat their food can be a struggle, but when their lunches are a feast for the eyes, it’s easier to get them excited about mealtime.

Instagram has given observers a look into people’s creative sides, and that means seeing how inventive parents make edible art. Beau Coffron shows off his art skills by making delightful dishes for his kids and posting them at lunchboxdad. His creations reflect his children’s love of Disney princesses, Marvel superheroes, and characters from Star Wars. As a busy parent he still wanted to make meals fun and his fabulous themed eats would be the envy of any lunch table.

His latest Disney themed snack was especially meaningful because Coffron’s daughter dressed up as Snow White for their very first visit to Disneyland together. That special princess meet-and-greet moment is a memory that will last forever, and this Bento masterpiece commemorates the occasion; created from tortillas, meat, and cheese, the deconstructed wrap is topped off with Snow White’s hair made from his daughter’s favorite snack, black olives, and a little strawberry bow.

The fruity gems are a nod to the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train ride at Walt Disney World. The red apple and cream cheese makes for a decidedly less-poison-more-sweet apple side dish.

Sometimes lunch can turn to the dark side, like adding a roasted porg leg to this Star Wars lunch. I know it had me cackling. Hopefully the kids around the lunch table could take the joke.

Coffron does a great job of combining his kid’s favorite characters with healthy meals. While the lunches look fancy, they’re really the same ingredients he’d be serving up daily, just moved around here and there. After all, would you rather have a plain sandwich or one that looks like Guardians of the Galaxy’s Star-Lord’s cassette tape? I prefer the latter.

For step by step instructions on how Coffron puts his lunches together, check out his website and Instagram feed at @lunchboxdad.

Which character do you wish your parents made for your school lunch? Let us know in the comments and tag @nerdist and @justjenn on Twitter!

Image: LunchboxDad

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