Circle up and let me tell you a tale of TV back in the days when there were fewer than 100 cable channels, you had to stay up really late and sneak back to the TV in order to watch the total contraband, and Singled Out was still but a glimmer in Chris Hardwick’s eye. The year was…ok I don’t remember the exact year, but it was the early 90s, and my dad had just gotten cable. One evening I stumbled upon this very cool, very badass animated show. There was a lady. She had crazy long legs. She killed people. She was awesome to my ten-ish-year-old brain. Obviously, I realize how incredibly inappropriate it was for me to be watching Æon Flux at that age but ten-ish year old me does not care.
The show was Æon Flux, and it was awesome. (No, this has nothing to do with the movie that came out a few years ago.)
So when I stumbled across the awesome art of Johnni Kok on Tumblr the other day, I gasped. He drew Disney princesses, and they looked just like Æon Flux. Because I’m sometimes bad with references, I saw the beautiful Disney princesses that are below and immediately grabbed the URL to send to my editors with a “HOW AWESOME ARE THESE? THEY ARE AEON FLUXY!” and I received an appropriately excited response and agreement.
I don’t have much more to tell you about these incredible pieces of art aside from the fact that Johnni Kok is not only on Tumblr (link above) but also on Twitter and Facebook. You should definitely take a few minutes and check out all the cool stuff he’s done including a whole other line of Disney princesses for you to enjoy.
Images via Johnni Kok