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Magical Moving Disney Pins Will Make Your Day

Pin collecting has stepped up its game. Currently on trend, enamel pins adorn jackets and bags but it’s the most eye-catching pins that will capture oohs and aahs from fellow pin fanatics. At the Disney Parks you’ll find the most devoted of pin collectors, showing off their favorite rides, characters, and more.

Grape Soda Club has reached next level with their newest Disney-inspired pin collection—not only are they colorful, but they have the added attraction of motion! Nothing like a little interaction to pique interest. These beautiful pins have pops of magical surprises that are sure to delight any Disney fan.

They specialize in the indecisive park-goer, with so many options at Walt Disney World it can be hard to choose where to start off your day. A Parks Spinner Pin does your choosing for you, so that you can move forward and enjoy a day at your favorite place.

Can’t decide on Disney treats? There’s a pin for that too, though I admit—I own this pin—and I just move it to Dole Whip. You can’t beat an old favorite.

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo… Our New Pin has arrived! Our Spinning Carriage pin turns from Carriage to Pumpkin in the flick of a wand check out our stories for videos on these pins spinning! . These pins will be released at the end of June with some other new pins on the way soon! They are 45mm and we will have some especially made for Necklaces also releasing in the shop opening! . Now we’re just waiting on our Prince Charming to arrive and we can head off the to Ball. Let us know what you think? #grapesodaclub . . . #enamelpins #spinningpins #carriage #disneystyle #disneypins #fantasypins #pincommunity #pinig #pinflair #pinstagram #pingame #disneycommunity #magicalmakers #wdw #waltdisney #cinderellascarriage #grapesodaco

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Cinderella fans will love their newest tribute to the Disney princess. This sweet pin is such a cute idea, it changes from a pumpkin to a glorious carriage with just one little spin. Grape Soda Club plans to have necklaces versions of this pin available by the end of the month.

If you’re a Disney Pixar fan who gets choked up at the movie Up, hold tight—this pin is a heartbreaker. The Adventure Book pin is on a hinge that opens up to a tiny dry erase whiteboard so that you can write down your adventures or a note to your one true love.

Check out more of Grape Soda Club’s fantastic pins on their instagram and at

Which of these movable pins will inspire you for a day at Disney? Let us know in the comments and tag @nerdist and @justjennrecipes on instagram to show off your flair!

Images: Grape Soda Club

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