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Cosplayer Transforms into Disney Heroes and Princes

We’ve seen lots of amazing Disney inspired cosplay over the years, both on social media and at Disney conventions like D23 Expo. Usually, Disney Princesses get the bulk of the attention, while the princes and other male characters get sidelined a bit. This is perfectly understandable, as the animated Disney films are one of the few areas in pop culture where women are front and center over the men. The ladies should get the bulk of the attention.

Having said that, the Disney princes and other male heroes deserve some love too, don’t you think? And thanks to the folks at Bored Panda, we’ve learned of one extraordinary cosplayer named Jonathan Stryker, who spent a week paying homage to the different male protagonists from decades of Disney animated films, even including Simba from The Lion King, on his Instagram account.


Jonathan Stryker not only nails the costumes of the various Disney fairy tale heroes like Aladdin, Flynn Rider from Tangled, Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid, Hercules, but also non-prince characters like Milo from Atlantis and Tarzan. He nails their animated facial expressions; Stryker can somehow contort his face to accurately represent every single one of these characters perfectly.

Stryker has a decade’s worth of cosplay experience under his belt, and he not only creates entire costumes from scratch, he also does his own makeup. You can check out Stryker’s cosplay images from his Disney Week below.

What do you make of this amazing Disney inspired cosplay? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Images: Disney, Tumblr

Disney Week continues! Next up, a wild boy that has a huge place in my heart, TARZAN! I love Tarzan. I’ve seen it so many times. The scene where his mom takes him to the treehouse and he chooses to leave and tells her, “no matter where I go, you’ll always be my mother” always fucking kills me I have a huge love and respect for nature and animals as you guys have seen on many of my posts. I don’t understand how so much of mankind can be insensitive to such beauty. Poaching and most hunting in general repulses me. And please save your, “check the trophy hunting video on Youtube” bullshit. Taking the life of another living being for sport is disgusting, no matter what bullshit incentives we find behind it. Want to help conserve and preserve? Donate without the killing. There’s no excuse. Animals are not a sport. Animals are not entertainment. This should go without saying: respect life. This planet is home to us all Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! New Disney character tomorrow ✨! #JStryker #tarzan #disney #disneyworld #waltdisney #disneycosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #gaymer #gaygeek #gaynerd #gayfit #miami #nature #jungle #gorillas #animals

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It’s Disney Week! Next up, a handsome God, HERCULES! Just finished making this costume and shot it Today is a very special day to me. Exactly one year ago I met someone very special to me that would later help me understand who I truly am, much like Hercules in his quest to become a hero. And like with Megara, I’ll forever have a place in my heart for this person ❤️ Something I really loved about Hercules was the scene when Zeus tells Hercules that he has the chin of a God. In middle school, this kid would make fun of my big chin. I became very insecure about it for much of my life. Thanks to Hercules, I now see it differently: I have the chin of the Gods! SO FUCK YOU PEASANT ASSHOLE FOR MAKING FUN OF ME Final Disney character tomorrow! ✨ Who do you think it will be? #jstryker #disney #waltdisney #disneyworld #waltdisneyworld #hercules #gaymer #gayfit #gaynerd #gaygeek #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayers #god

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Disney Week concludes! Last but not least, the king of the jungle, SIMBA! The Lion King is one of the best movies of all time, hands down. A story about self-discovery, justice, friendship, and love. The symbol of the lion is so big to me. It is a symbol of confidence and empowerment. The lion is sure of itself, it knows it’s the king without having to compare itself with anything else. I love lions ❤️ Anyway, thought I’d keep it simple for the last Disney character and do something different. Hope you guys enjoyed it! ☺️ Taking a small break and will resume a new theme, hopefully Sunday if the hurricane deviates. If not, sometime soon! Lastly, I’m sorry if I don’t reply to messages as much! I’ve been getting so many! I ready all your comments and messages I swear I’ve just been so busy Thank you all for the love and support! Seriously, from the bottom of my lion heart. Mucho love! ❤️ OH! And special thanks to my brother @scarlettred_ for letting me borrow one of the red wigs I used for this #jstryker #lionking #thelionking #simba #mufasa #disney #disneyworld #waltdisneyworld #lion #gaymer #gaygeek #gaynerd #makeup #cosplay #cosplayer #king

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See more cosplay!



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