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Discover the Cost of Being CAPTAIN AMERICA in a New Infographic

This weekend, Captain America: Civil War is once again proving that Steve Rogers’ alter ego has become one of Marvel’s most popular heroes at the box office. Civil War may not beat the Avengers films, but it’s still gonna claim one of the all-time best openings!

To mark the occasion of Cap’s third Marvel Cinematic Universe film, Twizzle has created a new infographic that explores a seldom asked question: how much would it cost to be Captain America? The infographic doesn’t just take Rogers’ uniform and accessories into account; it also includes the cost of Project Rebirth, which was meant to create an entire army of super soldiers. But with the murder of Abraham Erskine, it created only one in the MCU. As for Marvel’s comic book universe, that count varies by retcon.

Captain America Cost Infograph

Surprisingly, even when one accounts for inflation, Project Rebirth only makes up $516,000 of the total Cap cost. By far the most expensive item is Captain America’s nearly indestructible shield, a one-of-a-kind Vibranium alloy prototype. The infographic uses the Marvel Universe’s modern exchange rate for Vibranium ($10,000 per gram) to calculate that Cap’s 12 pound shield would cost a staggering $54,431,100! However, the true value of that shield may be even higher, since its Vibranium alloy has never been recreated or surpassed. If Captain America’s shield were to ever go up for sale in the comics, it would easily bring in more than the value it was assigned here.

What did you think about the new Captain America Infographic? Throw your mighty shields and tell us what you’re thinking in the comment section below!

Featured Image: Marvel Comics

Infographic: Twizzle

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