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Episode 74: Ding-Donger
The Tension Sets In

Ding-Donger #74: The Tension Sets In

He’s doing it live — as Bill O’Reilly might say — in NYC this weekend, so he had to get a practice episode in. Turns out he’s probably made a better one than the live one will be, but don’t tell the Podfest folks!! Kidding. It’s great, but the live one will be too. We’re all gonna be okay. Tune in.

Follow @braunger on Twitter!

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  1. todd mason says:

    Caucs come in all sorts of shades…very dark Indians and Sri Lankans are as Caucasian as Arabs and other Middle Eastern folk, and such sharkbait northerners as Xian Bale…check out the location of the Caucasus region…it’s a pretty diverse grouping.
    Looking forward to your next and THE DORK FOREST…