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Did THE WALKING DEAD Just Basically Confirm [SPOILER] Lives?

All summer long, we’ve been wondering who died on The Walking Dead during the closing moments of season six. Somebody clearly met their end, courtesy of “Lucille,” Negan’s barbwire bat. Earlier this week, AMC fanned the flames of speculation with a clip clearly meant to make viewers worry about the fate of one of their favorite characters. And we’re investigating the evidence on today’s Nerdist News!

Please note: there are some speculative spoilers in the post below—you’ve been warned!

Nerdist News host and BattleBots apocalypse survivor Jessica Chobot has good news for all of you Daryl Dixon fanboys and fangirls. We think this clip proves without a shadow of a doubt that Norman Reedus‘ mega-popular character is 100% safe from the grim reaper…at least for now. We’ve all heard the “if Daryl dies, we riot,” online chants. It’s not like AMC doesn’t know what they have with Reedus and his fanbase, after all, they gave him his own reality show!

The clip in question doesn’t feature Daryl at all, but it does show a known thief (and a definite jerk) named Dwight, wearing Daryl’s signature angel wing vest and riding his hog. Not cool, bro. But when you think about it, this clip was the perfect way to temporarily fool fans into thinking that Daryl is getting killed off. (Red herrings for everyone!) Daryl was created for the TV show, so he doesn’t necessarily have to be around for any upcoming storylines based on the comic.

Only we’re not buying it!

Here’s what we think: Daryl is gonna hand down one hell of a beating on Dwight when he finally gets his hands on him. If Reedus ever decides to leave this show, we expect that he’ll get better send off than a bat to the head!

What do you think this preview scene means? Did Daryl survive Negan’s wrath? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

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