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Did Mark Ruffalo Really Spoil AVENGERS 4’s Title?

These days it’s a monumental task for movie studios to keep their most important secrets from leaking. That’s especially challenging when you have the biggest, most successful franchise in the world. But it’s nearly impossible when you employ walking-spoiler Mark Ruffalo, who gave away the ending of Infinity War without anyone realizing it. But did he really do it again recently, after clever fans seemingly decoded him giving away the title for Avengers 4? Or should we be incredulous of the Hulk for once because this “slip-up” was actually a clever ploy by Marvel to hide the movie’s true name? Today’s Nerdist News lays out why we’re not sure anyone in the MCU is turning into a rage monster over Ruffalo’s latest late night foray.

Host Amy Vorpahl explains how, during an appearance on The Tonight Show, fans seemingly translated Ruffalo’s bleeped “spoiler” for the highly anticipated Avengers 4 title. If what he said actually is the title it would make sense for what we think will happen, but there’s good reason to believe Marvel was using his loose lips reputation to distract us from the real title that might have been leaked. That is, unless it’s hiding in plain sight.

We would never underestimate Mark Ruffalo’s ability to give away a major spoiler, even when he’s specifically trying to joke around about his innate ability to ruin things, but something tells us this isn’t one of those times.

Unless Tom Holland tweets something about being the “last” to know what Avengers 4 is called. That guy spills everything!

What do you think the title will be? Did Ruffalo actually spill the beans, or is he a red herring? Tell us in the comments below.

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