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Developer Teases THE LAST GUARDIAN Appearance at TGS 2015

After years of disappointing fans with The Last Guardian, Sony did a complete 180 during this year’s E3 by FINALLY re-announcing the PlayStation exclusive. The game is slated for a 2016 release, so thankfully it’s not too far way. Though many were concerned that Sony didn’t put the title on the list of games coming to the PlayStation booth during TGS 2015, it looks like we have nothing to fear because genDESIGN is teasing an appearance over on their official Twitter account.

Check it out below:

According to the tweet, the game will be coming to the Tokyo Game Show next week, which begins on Thursday, September 17 and runs until Sunday September 20. The developer states that they want to “take Trico to the Makuhari (in a new and different way).”

As indicated by the above image, which features both Trico’s foot and the shadow of a person clutching a DualShock 4, it looks like the developer will be doing a live demo of the game during Sony’s press conference. Though it’s great that the game is making an appearance to begin with, the most exciting bit of the announcement is the fact that they used the phrase “in a new and different way.” The game’s been in development for quite some time, so it will definitely be interesting to see what they are going to show off.

As of right now, Sony’s TGS 2015 lineup looks like this:


  • Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
  • Star Wars Battlefront
  • Street Fighter V
  • Arslan: The Warriors of Legend
  • Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
  • Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness
  • Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops III
  • Destiny: The Taken King
  • Tearaway Unfolded
  • The Tomorrow Children
  • Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
  • Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
  • God Eater: Resurrection
  • Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven

PS Vita

  • Airship Q
  • Minecraft: PS Vita Edition
  • Tokyo Xanadu
  • God Eater: Resurrection

As you’ve probably noticed, Persona 5, which is slated to release this year, is missing. Don’t freak out, Atlus is hosting a special event called “Persona Special Stage” during TGS. It will feature performances by Yumi Kawamura, Lotus Juice, Shihoko Hirata, and DJ WAKA, and most likely an official release date for the game. As for anything else that’s missing, Sony made it clear when they released the above list that it wasn’t final. We’re hoping they have a few surprises in store.

Are you excited to learn more about The Last Guardian? What game are you looking forward to most? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Twitter, Gematsu

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