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How The Internet Reacted to the DETECTIVE PIKACHU Trailer

The Detective Pikachu trailer debuted this morning and has already taken the internet by storm. If this is the first you’re hearing of it, yes, Detective Pikachu is a real movie, and yes, the titular Pokémon is voiced by Ryan Reynolds. We swear we’re not making this up. In case you still don’t believe us, have a look at the very real trailer:

Based on the game of the same name, Detective Pikachu is centered on Tim Goodman (Justice Smith), whose detective father has recently gone missing. With the aid of his father’s Pokémon partner, Pikachu — with whom only Tim can communicate — Tim sets out on “a thrilling adventure to unravel the tangled mystery” of his father’s disappearance.

The silly plot, coupled with the totally charming trailer, has ignited a bit of a firestorm on Twitter. Turns out, folks are pretty excited for this one, and they’re already meme-ing about it! Here are some of our favorite reactions.

Jigglypuff keeps it in perspective.

The movie memes that keep on giving. 

Even non-Pokémon fans are hype. 

A bold prediction.

How we’ll look at the theater.

The crossover we deserve. 

Remember that Toy Story 4 trailer? 

We really just can’t wait for this fluffy cuteness.

What did you think of the new Detective Pikachu trailer? Let us know below!

Images: Warner Bros.

Editor’s note: Nerdist is a wholly owned subsidiary of Legendary Digital Networks.

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