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Day’s Over: Channing Tatum Just Vogued and It Was Glorious

Here lies the ladies (and some of the dudes) of Nerdist dot com: we are dead now. For Channing Tatum hath slayed us with his moves. No, we’ve not yet seen Magic Mike XXL (all in due time, my friends), but we have seen this glorious, glorious Vanity Fair video wherein the man, the myth, the ab muscles does his damndest to get us all pregnant via dance moves.

Now, there are plenty of reasons to love you some Tatums: he’s goofy as hell, funny as shit (hello Jump Street), athletic as all get-out, and a total charmball to boot. Maybe you didn’t understand his appeal from the get-go — that’s OK, we didn’t totally, either. But here’s the thing about letting the ChanMan into your heart: once he weasels in there, you’re a goner, for forever. He will Channing all over your Tatums until the end of eternity. He is the sum of all parts, awash in Muscle Milk and mananigans (that’s shenanigans, but for boys).

So allow yourself this simple pleasure: any time you feel sad today, just pop on this video or send one of these GIFs to your friends and loved ones. Heck, just leave this post open in a tab on your desktop all day. It’s like Internet lithium!



What dance moves would you like to see the Tates dominate? Let us hear ’em in the comments.

Alicia Lutes is the Associate Editor of The Nerdist. She will gladly accept all of your Tatum GIFs on Twitter @alicialutes. 



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