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DOCTOR WHO’s David Tennant, Catherine Tate Return for Audio Plays

It’s pretty weird to think that the days of the Tenth Doctor traveling around with Donna Noble wrapped up over seven years ago. But it’s true: series 4 of Doctor Who bowed in July of 2008 and since then we’ve had several specials, four full series, two regenerations, a 50th anniversary, and another skinny Scotsman in the TARDIS. But, for many fans, the show never got as good as when David Tennant and Catherine Tate were the stars, and for them, we’re happy to announce that those days are back.

Big Finish Productions, the studio behind the Doctor Who audio dramas, have announced big stuff in recent months: from new Torchwood series, to UNIT and River Song series, and even several adventures starring John Hurt’s War Doctor. But, this might be the biggest one yet. Many Americans’ first Doctor, the Tenth, is coming to audio form alongside the woman many consider his best companion, plucky temp from Chiswick, Donna Noble, for three new adventures next year.

The first, called “Technophobia,” is written by Matt Fitton about a near-future where people’s ability to use technology is leaving; second is called “Time Reaver” by Jenny T. Colgan and deals with a black market on an entirely mechanical planet; and finally “Death and the Queen” by James Goss, Donna gets swept off her feet by a fairytale man of her dreams on a world the Doctor’s never heard of. What could go wrong?

These will be available beginning in May of 2016, but they’re available for pre-order now on Big Finish’s website. (Note: the prices are all in GBP, so plan accordingly.) Are you as excited about this as we are? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Big Finish
Image: BBC

Kyle Anderson is the Weekend Editor, a film and TV critic, and the resident Whovian for Chat with him about your favorite Tenth Doctor story on Twitter!

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