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DARK SOULS’ Spiritual Successor BLOODBORNE Set For February 2015, Gets New Trailer

From Software’s first foray in the land of next-gen gaming is coming sooner than we thought: Bloodborne will release in North America and Europe on February 6, a day after it releases in Japan. This news comes just as the alpha invites for the game began rolling out over in Europe, with a US alpha being nowhere in the foreseeable future.

Bloodborne‘s newest trailer shows off the game’s online cooperative mode, which, if you’re familiar with the Souls series, may very well be the same complicated mess it was before, making it nearly impossible to group up with your friends. Got to love those Japanese online game infrastructures! Here’s a look at the Tokyo Game Show trailer that released today:

Complex co-op system or not, this game is looking like it’s going to fill that Dark Souls-shaped hole in our heart. What’s even more interesting is the release date, which is positioned rather closely to another Victorian third-person action game by the name of The Order: 1886. Something tell me that The Order‘s current February 20 release date isn’t going to hold up, as PlayStation would be best suited to spread their exclusive titles out. Or February 2015 could just become what October 2014 was going to be: a month full of releases that are sure to make gamers around the world poor. Fingers crossed for option A.

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