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CW’s THE FLASH Pilot Adds Original TV Flash

The CW’s The Flash pilot has added yet another member to its cast, and this one is a trip in the way back machine for Gen-X nerds; according to Deadline, John Wesley Shipp, who played Barry Allen in the original Flash television series which ran from 1990-1991 on CBS, is joining the show on what is said to be a “mystery role.” If the pilot goes to series (which it is almost a lock to do, I’d say, with this much advance buzz behind it), he will be a recurring cast member on the show.

So just who could Shipp be playing? Educated guess? (I guess I should say SPOILERS in case I’m right and you don’t want to know) He’ll probably play Barry’s father Henry Allen, who was falsely accused of killing Barry’s mother, which led Barry to the life of a crime scene investigator. Another possible guess is Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash, Barry’s arch nemesis. We already know someone named Thawne is part of the show, in the form of detective Eddie Thawne. Really left field guess is Jay Garrick, but I doubt they want to get into multiple earths so quickly.

As previously reported, Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns are writing the “Flash” pilot, which will be directed by David Nutter. The announced cast so far features Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, Candice Patton as Iris West, Rick Cosnett as Detective Eddie Thawne, Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow, Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon, Cavanagh as Harrison Wells and Martin as Detective West.




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  1. blackgar says:

    Hmmm… What about as GOLDEN AGE Flash??

  2. Jbraun83 says:

    Since this is spinning off of Arrow, they’ve already introduced the father in jail storyline. Barry doesn’t believe he’s guilty… Not sure the multiverse/universe idea or the pre/post Crisis issue matters much. DC went and practically undid everything they did in that incredible series..I don’t think the writers are bound to any particular continuity with the comic books.

  3. Jeff Edsell says:

    I vote either the dad or a villain. He’s not really old enough to be Jay as mentor — he’s young enough that if he played a retired Flash, it would beg the question of why he retired.

  4. Magjic says:

    What about Jay Garrick?, the helmet makes the suit…would love to see the old old school Flash run by

  5. Derek Wheeler says:

    No reason they have to get into Mutliple Earths.. After 1985’s Crisis on Infinite Worlds they found a way to have Jay Garrick and Barry Allen to coexist without multiversal walls. Also they had a variation of Jay Garrick in the previous series in the form of Barry’s brother Jay.

    Also while it wouldn’t be the same character he played back in the day since both this Flash show and the previous were origin stories so not related he could still be brought in to play Barry Allen the flash. Remember that as a time traveling hero there would be a future version that would pop up now and then as he did during Wally West’s run in the comics. John Wesley Shipp would be the perfect choice for an older Barry Allen and to use anyone else would be downright disrespectful.

  6. GooseGanja says:

    @Atte .. Your probly right on the Dr.Doom role … dont think their gonna be bringing the murder dad story line in the show (cuz they are gonna base the show in the new 52 world and i dont think they brought that aspect over). He will play either Dr.Doom or even the first Flash (James or Jay whatever) from the golden age.

  7. Atte says:

    Well, he DID play the part of Zoom in Batman: Brave and Bold… 😉

  8. Axelsan says:

    What Chris Brocco said! I thought he would have made a much better Riddler than that guy in that stupid Batman movie.

  9. Dan says:

    I feel like the character ‘Eddie Thawne’ is going to be the Reverse Flash. ‘Eobard’ is a pretty weird name. I could see them ditching it in favour of the more straightforward ‘Eddie.’

  10. chris brocco says:

    who can forget Mark Hamill as the trickster..great show

  11. Chad says:

    I loved this show. I thought it was the best translation of a superhero costume from the books to video ever. Very cool to see JWS joining this show. It would be awesome if he played Jay Garrick.

  12. TJ says:

    I could see him as Reverse Flash. I’ve seen Shipp in other things were he played bad guys and he can play the villain and do it well. In fact, he won a Daytime Emmy award on As The World Turns during the 1980s playing one of the creepiest villains ever to appear on a soap opera (he was a stalker/murderer). The last thing I saw him in was One Life To Live two years ago before it went off the air playing another villain – fans absolutely hated the storyline but nearly everyone agreed that Shipp just killed it in the role. If he were cast as Thawne, he would make you forget he’d ever played the Flash – he would be that good doing it.

  13. Ryan McMillan says:

    This is awesome! I remember watching the original Flash after Rescue 9-1-1. Series was too short lived!