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Cut Right to Dessert on Thanksgiving With a 20-Pound Gummy Turkey

Thanksgiving means one thing above all: turkey. Even vegans associate that funny-looking bird with the holiday. But if we’re being honest, the turkey itself is probably the least important element to a successful meal. Truth be told, everybody enjoys the side dishes more than they do the main course, and even all of that is prelude to the real highlight of the meal—dessert.

So what can you do when you need that oven-roasted fowl in the middle of your dining table, but you really just want to eat something sweet? Easy: You make a 20-pound gummy turkey, like folks at the YouTube channel Vat19 did.


This sugary feast, which we found at Laughing Squid, weighs in at a whopping 25,625 calories in total. And yes, there’s more. Vat19 also prepared a sweet potato casserole with cereal and marshmallows, a green jelly bean casserole, gummy cranberry sauce, whiskey pecans, pumpkin pie lollipops, stuffing made with cookies, “Gravy Bubbles,” pumpkin pie soda, and “Corn on the Cobsicle.” Because on Thanksgiving you go big or go home.

Or rather, you go big, and then you go home bigger than you were.


But obviously, just like the real meal, at the center of all of it was the turkey… but without any fight over who gets white meat (the kids and people who don’t know any better) and who gets dark meat (the smart people).

We know a gummy turkey won’t replace the real thing anytime soon, especially since gummy turkey salad sandwiches would be gross (a gummy bear and mayonnaise is what they feed you in Hell), but we sure do respect the effort. If the best part of a meal is dessert, why not just make the whole meal dessert? It’s the type of idea we hope will stick.

Which one of these dishes do you want to try the most? Dig in to our comments section below and tell us which one you crave the most.

Images: Vat19

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