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Crayola Releases Collectible STAR WARS Crayon Tins

Most children remember the feeling of opening a fresh new box of crayons or even just pulling out a bin of stubby half-used ones to create their own masterpieces. New or old, crayons are a mainstay of childhood and the spark used to forge your own artistic path. And like Crayola, Star Wars inspires creativity amongst those that love it, and now the two have come together as Crayola releases new Star Wars Collectibles Crayon Tins just in time for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the holidays.

Everyone remembers the big 64 Count Crayon Box with seemingly every color you’d possibly need. Now you can get these iconic boxes emblazoned with Darth Vader or a Stormtrooper. These exclusive boxes also feature a specialized color variety and fancy black crayon labels. Oh, I can’t wait to see those color names. May I suggest Palpatine Purple, perhaps? (Editor’s Note: wouldn’t he be more of a puce?)

If you want to step it up gift-wise, you can get the 64 count crayon box with a matching collectible Star Wars tin, which is perfect for gifting. The idea of a tin is always nice because you can store broken crayons, extra art supplies and even finished artwork in them—I’m all about crayon organization.

Star Wars Stormtrooper Art Case interior-10272015

Also available is the Star Wars Stormtrooper Art Case. This contains over 45 pieces, including 16 Washable Mini Markers, 6 Twistables Colored Pencils, 6 Mini Twistables Crayons, 10 coloring pages, and 10 blank sheets of paper. Plus it all comes in an easy to carry giant Stormtrooper head! Too good to resist, right?

Finally for the tykes that want to channel their inner Star Wars artist, the Star Wars Light-Up Tracing Pad is basically the kid version of an artist’s light box which allows you to sketch and trace so you can catch all those perfect Star Wars details.

For a limited time Crayola is currently offering 15% off Star Wars products and free shipping on orders over $50 so now’s the time to hop on that stocking stuffers shopping!

Check out all the cool new Star Wars Crayola products in the gallery. Will you be adding these Star Wars Crayons to your holiday list? Let us know in the comments!

Images: Crayola


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