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Could Angelina Jolie Direct and Star in CAPTAIN MARVEL?

Captain Marvel will be the nineteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and with its 2018 release date fast-approaching, it’s time to speculate on who might bring the most powerful hero in the universe to the big screen!

Join Jessica Chobot on today’s Nerdist News as she breaks down the explosive rumor that none other than Angelina Jolie may be taking on the role of director and star, debates whether Angie is a good fit, and examines what it would take to be the perfect Carol Danvers. Plus: a cute puppy!

Thanks for watching today’s show, don’t forget to tune in to the latest Sleepycast, the official Sleepy Hollow podcast, and let us know in the comments below who you think deserves to direct Captain Marvel!

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  1. Norwaycat91 says:

    Natalie Dormer!

  2. Shinn says:

    Direct? Maybe.
    Star? Absolutely not.

  3. Bmal Suj says:

    Love Angie… but not for this movie.

    Like Lake as a director, but not as Carol.

  4. Sam says:

    Imogen poots

  5. Vern says:

    All the suggestions are too old, surely? Danvers needs to be in her late 20s, old enough to have the experience the character has, but young enough to play Captain Marvel for a decent amount of time.
    This should be a star making role, rather than a star vehicle.

  6. epobirs says:

    I’m more interested in how they rework the origin. There are two problems with the comics’ version in terms of selling it today: 1. The character was a literal copy of an existing male character. Carole Danvers was in range of the Kree wish granting machine when it blew up and was granted her desire, to be on equal footing with Mar-Vell rather than need rescuing. That isn’t going to play well today. 2. Unless they’re going to establish Mar-Vell (we have the Kree) at some point, it’s going to make for a cramped screenplay trying to cover all that ground and still have time for the lead character to do much of anything.

    I expect the Kree will still be involved but Mar-Vell won’t or will be greatly de-emphasized. Perhaps he’ll be the Ultimate universe version.

  7. Tammy says:

    Natalie Dormer is my dream cast for Carol! 

  8. Pryce says:

    Should be starring Jessica Chobot, way hotter/more fitting for the role, just saying. 

  9. Chelsea Ann says:


  10. Charissa says:

    Dear God no. I’m usually inclined to trust Marvel, because the MCU has been cast perfectly so far, but I will draw the line here. I cannot stand Angelina Jolie and do not want to see her involved at all.

  11. @samshow11 says:

    Hands Down Yvonne Strahovski = Carol Danvers

  12. Jason says:

    Katheryn Winnick for Carol Danvers. All the way.

  13. Samantha says:

    OOOOH I love Lake Bell!

  14. RedwoodCoast says:

    NO! HELLL NO!   Angie’s got the action and could have the drama props, but NO on the comedy.   Direction not for this GENRE. 

  15. EgoMartini says:

    Nicole Kidman

  16. Anthony says:

    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! (insert Darth Vader clip here)