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Cosplay Friday #44


Two weeks in, and the world still can’t get Miley off its collective brain. The former Disney star shocked a MTV VMA audience with her raunchy dance routine and even raunchier “foam hands”, and while certainly memorable, the performance left a lot of people… upset. I get why the nation was so bummed out by the new queen of Twerk; her costumes were awful!

If only Ms. Cyrus would have taken a page out of the cosplay handbook, the world would be talking about how awesome she is, as opposed to how scary she is.

Fear not, Miley Cyrus, nee Montana — as always, I’ve scoured the web for the weeks coolest, craziest and creepiest cosplays for a weekly feature I like to call Cosplay Friday.

Don’t you know it’s we who own the capes?


“Sure… Just take my hands, it’ll be safe; I promise”, and/or the last words you ever hear. (Thanks for the great Guilty Crown cosplay)


Once again, proof that there is nothing in the world sadder than a sad Ice King.


“Wait, come back! I love talking about Multi-Passes!!!” (courtesy of a great Fifth Element duo)




She’s a lumberjack and she’s okay. (Lollipop Chainsaw — the gift that keeps on giving)


Prussia and Germany; go home, you’re drunk. (Axis Powers Hetalia cosplay friends unite!)


Tony Stark really cleans up nice! (Thanks for the super cool Pepper Potts cosplay)


Naruto asks, “Which of you said One Piece is your favorite manga?”


A fantastic Tekken cosplay. His hair matches the sparks! C’mon, now!


Can someone let Batgirl know one of her ears is crooked? No? Okay, never mind; I’ll just be busy swooning.


Dig my choices? Got a cool cosplay you want to show off with the world?Kindly leave a comment, email me , check out my YouTube channel, or hit me up on the Twitter machine.

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  1. John says:

    Steph Brown lives!

    As usual great cosplay everybody!

  2. Jamie Cortez says:

    Hey Matt Cohen (or whomever this may concern),

    I work for a company called The Loyal Subjects and we have a pop up shop in Meltdown. My boss was wondering if you’d like to do a collaboration maybe every Friday where we give prizes away to the top cosplayer (maybe in person at the store if possible). Basically, kind of bringing your Cosplay Fridays segment to a live audience. Let me know how you feel about that and we can work out details. Hope all is well!
