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Cosplay Friday 41

cosplay-friday-featuredWith all this talk about meteor showers and asteroids, you’d think the whole world has gone star-crazy. You see, I’m crazy for stars, but not the kind in the sky; I’m talking about the stars of cosplay, of course!

It’s with that in mind that we proudly present this week’s edition of Cosplay Friday, all the best, brightest and most bizarre cosplays from the around the web, compiled into one nifty post. You don’t even need a telescope (take that, outer-space!).


This Cat-Woman cosplay is so fantastic, that I’m not sure if this is actually a cosplay, or just a still of Michelle Pfeiffer circa ’89.


“So you don’t play League of Legends? That’s cool. Did you know it came with BABY LIONS???”


With Sephiroth defeated, Tifa could focus on her true passion: aerobics instruction.


This Evangelion group shot is one of my favorite cosplays ever. SO SHINY!


This is either a fun Loki cosplay, or a very confused and lost extreme sports enthusiast.


Denmark is such a drama queen. (Hetalia cosplay)


Sure, the Final Fantasy series of games are groundbreaking and legendary, but maybe their best long lasting legacy is all this wonderful cosplay!


I always knew qualifying for the Olympics was tough, but jeez, Lara… take a break.


I have no idea what this is but I THINK it’s my favorite thing I’ve seen in forever.


“Merida, come back! I didn’t say Brave was THAT bad!”


Dig my choices? Got a cool cosplay you want to show off with the world?Kindly leave a comment, email me , check out my YouTube channel, or hit me up on the Twitter machine.

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  1. Cosplay SEP says:

    This week cosplay collections are really amazing. Especially this one “I have no idea what this is but I THINK it’s my favorite thing I’ve seen in forever.”

  2. Xeroz says:

    Decent post, (I rank it a 4)

    Even I’m at a loss figuring out what/who the snakeskin character is supposed to be.

    Awesome ‘Lightning’ though.

    If CH ever decides to take a trip to Japan, you’ll have to be sure he stops by a Con there. Or at least sends one of the sister-wives, to get some pics for ‘Cosplay Friday’. Just tell them to stay “outside” where the Cosplayers gather specifically for photo-shoots. Trust me on this.