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Cosplay Friday #38


As summer draws to an end, the big movie studios have been ramping up the releases of their “blockbusters,” giant, staggeringly-budgeted films that are sure to delight and entertain on a massive scale. Why let moviegoers have all the fun? I’ve hunted the web for some “blockbuster” cosplays, the best, the biggest, and the boldest costumes and costume designers the world has to offer, and proudly present them to you in a feature I like to call Cosplay Friday. 

‘Cause, hey; it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than going to see a movie.

9356611142_595c73514a_h_by_briannacherrygarcia-d6f5l02Meet the Hatter family. Not pictured: a very unhappy dog in a large hat (who may or may not be ginger).

naruto_vs_madara_by_lanmeimeia-d6eejjmNaruto and Madara attempting to play hacky-sack.

got_them_in_my_sights_by_electric_lady-d6es1be“Who said this wasn’t the best League of Legends cosplay ever?”

final_fantasy_xiii_2__i_can_change_the_future_by_denikakiomi-d6emo6zSera from Final Fantasy XII-2 does her best “American Beauty.”

look_by_alexia_muller-d6awo8jThis is either a great High School of the Dead cosplay, or police need to be involved.

kaine_nier_by_0kasane0-d6f6iaxKaine cosplay or newest American Apparel ad? You decide.

hetalia_austria__beware__prussian_soldier___by_hirako_f_w-d6etdffThen there was that one time Austria snapped, and decided to take out that Duck Hunt dog once and for all.

bioshock_infinite__elizabeth_2_by_vera_chimera-d6f6vphElizabeth gets no-showed by Songbird… AGAIN. “Maybe he meant a different lighthouse?”

tekken___hwoarang_vs_lili_by_beethy-d6f80d6AWESOME Tekken batttle cosplay. No caption needed.

draw_me_like_one_of_your_french_girls_by_theproselyte801-d6emce5Attack on napping!

Dig my choices? Got a cool cosplay you want to show off with the world?Kindly leave a comment, email me , check out my YouTube channel, or hit me up on the Twitter machine.

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  1. Asher Soryl says:

    Omg… that HOTD cosplay… *melts*

  2. Matthew Gerber says:

    GAH! That last one is like Grant Goodbody finally decided to go the full monty!

  3. JetpackBlues says:

    Gyaaah! I need mindbleach to erase that Titan image! 😆