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Cosplay Friday #28


“Casual Fridays” are fun and all, if you like piano key neckties and ironic tee-shirts (and who doesn’t?). We however, prefer our week to end with a little more oomph; and does this edition of Cosplay Friday deliver that and more!

We’ve scanned the interwebs for the best, funniest, strangest and otherwise must-see cosplay photos, so get ready to take back your Friday! And we’re sorry about that piano key necktie dig… sort of.

While most people have a soft spot for Aerith,’s PrincessRiN0a helps prove why our FFVII hearts belong to Tifa.

Fionna cosplayer CourtoonXIII asks “What time is it?”. “Massive crush having time”, the world answers.

Luckily this photo is around to remind us that, A. We dig Cammy. B. She’s got strange green markings on her legs.

OriginalRikku gets her Lollypop Chainsaw on. The gentlemen in the background get their “Wait, what?” on.

We give this cosplay group an A for effort, but… where is the dude version of Black Widow?

There is something magical about sugarpoultry‘s Link cosplay. We don’t know what it is yet, but we’re going to keep staring at it until we do.

Check out those Cherry Blossoms! And, we guess the costume isn’t half bad either.

We honestly hope this group isn’t cosplaying, and just naturally wonderful. Especially the squid.

“You must all bow down before weird fox samurai/monk guy, or I will confound you with my randomness!”

She may be cosplaying as a character called Paine, but this model is giving us only pleasure. (Easy and gross, but we had to)

Dig our choices? Got a cool cosplay you want to show off with the world? Kindly leave a comment or hit me up on the twitter machine. 

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  1. Matt Cohen says:

    And yes- I mostly source the “Cosplay Fridays” from that weeks hot deviantART cosplay photos- If anyone knows of any other great, updated regularly cosplay blogs/websites- let a brotha know!

    -Matt (again)

  2. Matt Cohen says:

    @Bandit- Send any tips to me on twitter @CamelToad or at [email protected]

  3. Matt Cohen says:

    @Xeroz- Hey man.

    I watch hundreds of anime, read the same amount of manga, collect toys, am learning Japanese, have a One Piece tattoo – the whole deal.

    I’ve just never seen Bleach 🙂

    Mea Cupla, gang. I’ll get on it.

    In all fairness, Wolf-Samurai-Fox-Guy isn’t usually associated with Bleach, is he? I’ve only seen the blond dudes.



  4. Bandit says:

    Actually, how do you send a pic? And is there any cool cosplayers out there that want to just chat and share loving all things popular and movies? Just let me know. It would be good to know a fellow cosplayer. 🙂

  5. Bandit says:

    Check out my Odinson cosplay and tell me what you think. 🙂

  6. Rokku says:

    The dude Black Widow tragically broke his spine trying to replicate a traditional comic book sexy lady pose.

  7. Xeroz says:

    I think it’s just a colaborative group of pics rounded up each week, from ‘deviantart’. Just a weekly grouping of cosplayer’s pics uploaded to that site.
    Don’t take my word on this, I’m just taking a guess, from what I’ve seen on the Cosplay Friday’s posts.
    Maybe send a quemment to for definitive answer.

    Side note:
    Speaking of the author of the article…
    I sometimes have to wonder if anyone at Nerdist even is an “anime fan”.
    If there is, please tell me who. Then, I’ll know who I need to say should get the job of writing about any anime-related stuff. Like what quite a bit of Cosplay is based on. I can understand a slip-up every now and then, but not on a show that’s been on in the US on CN for quite some time now. And, is one of only a few ‘anime’ that I know of to reach 300+ episodes. (One Piece being the other, Which starts again on CN tonight!!)
    Anyway, it’s probably stupid of me to even bring the whole ‘fan’ thing up. I know some ppl just don’t like certain things… I can accept that. At least try to ask around if there happen to be more than one of you who is a fan of anime in the office when you’re writing articles like this.

    *This part’s just for fun, & to show what could happen if I were “That” kind of person:
    So, Matt Cohen (if that is your real name). why do you hate foxes? Or is it all ‘samurai animals’?!? But, Oh I’ll bet you just looove that whole new “Wolverine” movie thing dontcha?

  8. Amanda says:

    Where is Cosplay Friday held at? I really want to go!

  9. Chris says:

    Yes, the fox looking samurai guy is Captain Komamura from Bleach, so not random at all.

  10. SoulPancake says: – Perfect for today! A cosplay feature from SoulPancake!

  11. profcommie says:

    I think the Wolf samurai dude is from Bleach. I don’t follow the show but it looks familiar