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Comics Relief: SUPERGIRL Returns to the Pages of DC Comics

Time for you mid-week edition of  Comics Relief, where today we have news on Marvel comics getting Iron Man and Cap ready to trade blows again, plus more DC news than you can shake a stick at, starting with a new series for the Last Daughter of Krypton. Read on for the details…

Amazon Reveals New Supergirl TV Tie-In Comic is Coming Soon

One of the big complaints lodged at DC when the new Supergirl TV series hit CBS’ airwaves this past October was the lack of her presence in the pages of the actual comics. With the TV series now a hit, it seems DC has finally decided to capitalize on the Maid of Might, as an Amazon listing for a Supergirl: Digital First trade paperback collection — tying-in the comic to the TV series — has appeared.

This seems to fall in line with what DC has done with Arrow and The Flash, who also have digital first comics. No creative team has been announced, but expect to hear about one sooner rather than later. For more on our the new Supergirl series, read our full story on the subject here: [Nerdist]

ComiXology’s “12 Days of Free Comics” gets underway

So…who’s down for some free comics? If you’re raising your hand screaming, “me!me!me!” then you’re in luck, as comiXology’s annual holiday tradition — 12 Days of Free Comics — is underway again, kicking off with free downloads of Marvel’s blockbuster event series, Secret Wars #1. Every day until Sunday, the 20th of December, a new free comic goes live at 12 noon (EST), with the download ending at 11:59 AM. For more on comiXology’s 12 Days of Free Comics, click on the following link for all the details: [Comics Beat]

Marvel makes Civil War II Official

We’ve all known it was coming for some time, but it’s now official: Civil War II is coming soon from Marvel Comics. This week, Marvel confirmed the rumors that a new that a Civil War sequel was on its way, announcing writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist David Marquez as the creative team—along with an image featuring Iron Man fighting Sam Wilson’s Captain America.

Of course, this is coming out in April 2016 — right before the release of Captain America: Civil War in theaters — so the corporate synergy is at work here. That said, we still don’t know just what the ideological differences are between Iron Man and Cap this time. It would be awesome if they were just fighting over who gets control of the remote in Avengers Tower, wouldn’t it? [Nerdist]

This Week’s Issue of Batman Revealed the Return of [SPOILER]

In recent years, the writer/artist team of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have redifined the Batman title in much the way that Frank Miller did in the eighties. Together they’ve added new elements to the mythology like the Court of Owls, and the villainous Mr. Bloom. They also told two of the most epic Joker centric storylines ever, with Death of the Family and Endgame—the latter of which ended with Bruce Wayne losing his memory and the Joker seemingly dying.

Well, in this week’s Batman #47, not only does Bruce Wayne start to get his memory back, it looks as if the Joker turns up, too—minus his white skin, evil grin, and with his memory gone. Of course, we knew the Joker would be back, that’s not such a big surprise, but the fact that he’s now a blank slate leaves much story to tell.

In speaking with Newsarama, writer Scott Snyder said, “without giving too much away, my feeling is kind of like, this is one of those things that’s been the heart of the arc from go for me. And when I told Greg about the possibility of doing Jim Gordon and Bruce and all this stuff, the conversation included, ‘and then this happens!'” So clearly, the story for this new iteration of the Joker is just beginning. [Newsarama]

Boom! Studios’ Power Rangers #1 gets launch date, cover

Attention, all children of the ’90s: As announced at San Diego Comic-Con earlier this year,  BOOM! Studios will launch a brand new ongoing Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book series in 2016, from writer Kyle Higgins and artist Hendry Prasetya. January sees the release of a #0-issue that serves as a kind of prequel to the ongoing series, which comes out in March,  in a storyline called “Green Ranger: Year One.” Along with the synopsis of issue #1, BOOM! Studios has released a preview of Dustin Nguyen’s cover for the first issue as well, which you can see below. To read the full solicit, click on the following link: [Comic Book Resources]

DC to collect long OOP Elseworlds tales

Back in the ’90s, DC Comics made a killing with their Elseworlds series, presenting DC icons in new and different ways; everything from a communist Superman in Red Son to a Victorian Batman in Gotham by Gaslight. DC published dozens of these, many which have been long out of print. Luckily, many of these are set to be collected in a new editions to be released next year, with Elseworlds: Justice League and Elseworlds: Superman announced as coming in summer 2016. Hopefully, more of these long out of print gems will return to print if these sell well. [Bleeding Cool]

Ethan Van Sciver previews GLC: Edge of Oblivion art

When Geoff Johns relaunched the Green Lantern mythology with Green Lantern: Rebirth a decade ago, a huge part of the reason for the book’s big success was artist Ethan Van Sciver. Now Van Sciver is set to return to the world of the GL Corps in a new six-part mini-series called Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion. The series is set to hit in January, but Van Sciver has previewed some of the images via social media. You can check them out in our gallery below: [Comics Beat]


What do you think of this week’s comics news? Let us know in the comments below!

IMAGES: DC Comics / Marvel Comics / comiXology / BOOM! Studios




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