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Comics Relief: ORIGINAL SIN in the MCU, Matt Fraction Leaving HAWKEYE, a New CATWOMAN, and More!

It’s new comics day, folks. There’s a plethora of killer new titles like The Death of Wolverine #1 and Grendel vs. The Shadow #1 waiting on store shelves. So, what did you get me? I got you some news and features from around the web.


What is Original Sin‘s link to the MCU?

Badass Digest’s Devin Faraci not only provides a broad overview of Marvel’s latest crossover event (hint: it’s weird and he kinda digs it), but uses it to explain how the comic book and cinematic universes may be blending. His smartest takeaway: how we might see The Watcher in the Marvel movies.

[via Badass Digest]


Meet the Radical Teen Dog

Even better than Poochie, USA Today previews Teen Dog, “a canine cross between Ferris Bueller, Marty McFly and the Fonz.” The site speaks with Aussie illustrator Jake Lawrence who just wanted to give us all a shades-wearing party dog in the upcoming Boom! comic of the same name. Warning: it might get extreme up in this.

[via USA Today]


Writer Genevieve Valentine taking Catwoman in a pulpier direction

With the debut of November’s Catwoman #36, Selina Kyle will be one of Gotham’s crime bosses. But what does that mean for her costumed alter ego? Someone will be wearing the catsuit, according to incoming writer Genevieve Valentine.

[via Newsarama]


Classic gaming manga pits SEGA against Square Enix – in real-life court

Rensuke Oshikiri manga Hi Score Girl has been gaining some negative attention of late now that some video game publishers are learning that assets from their game have been ending up in the strip without their permission.

SNK Playmore, Capcom, and Namco Bandai characters and games have been causing headaches for the book’s publisher, Square Enix, but now SEGA is jumping in saying some of their assets have made their way into the 1991-set summer romantic comedy.

In the meantime, Square Enix has issued a voluntary recall of the print volumes of the manga as well as a halt to its digital sales.

[via Anime News Network]


IDW Launches a Star Trek Comics Humble Bundle

The publisher is offering up to 40 classic and modern Star Trek comics featuring crews from various eras. Well, not Enterprise, because apparently no one loves Enterprise. The deal runs through September 27, with the bulk of the comics being offered above the approximately $10 average.

[via Humble Bundle]


The Art, Storytelling, and Ideology of Geoff Darrow

Critic Zainab Akhtar takes a look at the return of Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot while breaking down some of the thematic and stylistic choices in the work of Hard Boiled and Shaolin Cowboy creator Geoff Darrow.

TL;DR: Darrow’s art has a deliberate monotony which reframes action in minute (but compelling ways) but some of the ideals at his works’ core is kinda bunk (or outright nonexistent). Akhtar takes Darrow apart without trying to take him down in this excellent piece of analysis.

[via Comics Alliance]


Matt Fraction’s leaving Hawkeye, but let’s all make Kanye vs. Kieron a thing

There’s a challenge for you out there, Internet: create your own mash-ups of Kanye West/Kieron Gillen as either Kieron West or Kanye Gillen. Well, it’s not exactly my challenge: instead, it’s from Hawkeye writer Matt Fraction, who took the interview where he announced his impending departure from the acclaimed book with issue #22, while siccing the artists of the Internet on the hip hop impresario and the writer of Iron Man and Journey Into Mystery.

“I think anyone reading this article should draw pictures of Kieron West or Kanye Gillen and post them because I think Kieron in black leather jeans and a weird Swarovski crystal beaded face mask is an amazing image.”

You heard the man: get at it.

[via Comic Book Resources]


Your Week in Corporate Comics (And Beyond) in One Panel

4thletter’s regular feature breaks down the last week in comics to one perfect panel for each book. Warning: there will be manga. Or, should I say, look, there’s manga and you should definitely check some of it out.

[via 4thletter!]


Big Hero 6 manga finally getting an English translation

Even if Marvel has no plans to release any kind of omnibus editions or trades with the upcoming release of Big Hero 6, that doesn’t mean comics readers will be left in the cold: Hatchette Books (via their Yen Press imprint) will be reprinting English-language versions of Haruki Ueno’s Baymax manga.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know in the comments below!

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

MUSKWATCH: Elon's Plan to Give the World Internet is Probably Not Evil

MUSKWATCH: Elon's Plan to Give the World Internet is Probably Not Evil



  1. Nooooo!!! Matt Fraction makes hawkeye what it is! I hope it’ll still be good!

  2. Matthew Pilgrim says:

    Why did you stop posting pull lists?

  3. KnightWing19 says:

    Using anything from Badass Digest’s Devin Faraci after his disgusting and vile comments over the week is pretty bad and insensitive.