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ICYMI: Marvel Brings Us More INHUMANS, The Ramones Meet ARCHIE, & More

Although there were many announcements made at Comic-Con last weekend, there are some that you might have missed in our Comic-Con wrap up, and a few that the publishers waited till after the convention to announce, like DC’s expansion of the Vertigo line, Archie getting its weirdest crossover yet, and Marvel announcing one more title in the All-New Marvel line-up featuring the Uncanny Inhumans. Read on for more details!

Marvel Announces All-New Inhumans Series

One of the Marvel announcements that slipped under the radar after SDCC was the upcoming launch of yet another ongoing series from the publisher featuring the Inhumans. All-New Inhumans will be written by Charles Soule, with art by Stefano Caselli, and will feature fan-favorite (and former Avenger) Crystal as part of the line-up. The new book joins Uncanny Inhumans, Karnak and Ms. Marvel, who is technically an Inhuman. No release date was given for the new Inhumans book (it’s not part of Marvel’s October solicitations), but expect an official announcement soon. [Bleeding Cool]

Riverdale High Becomes ‘Rock n’ Roll High School’ In Archie Meets Ramones

Archie recently got relaunched in an all-new modern iteration, but classic Archie is about to meet a classic rock band, as punk rock legends the Ramones land in Riverdale in Archie Meets Ramones,  an oversized one-shot coming from the creative team of Alex Segura, Matthew Rosenberg, and Gisele Lagace. It’ll be published at some point next year to tie in with Archie’s 75th anniversary and with the Ramones’ 40th anniversary. Based on the artwork, this is classic “retro” Archie, not the new reboot which recently came out from Mark Waid and Fiona Staples. Seems more fitting, doesn’t it? [Comics Alliance]

IDW Teams Up With William Gibson For Archangel

Science Fiction author William Gibson is seen as something of a prophet of the modern era, having predicted the world of the internet we all live in today in classic novels like Neuromancer. Now, IDW has formally announced details of a collaboration with Gibson at Comic-Con this past weekend, in a new series called Archangel, with artist Butch Guice, which will debut next year.

According to the official synopsis, Archangel is a wild time travel romp between the closing days of World War II and a present day United States that doesn’t look a thing like our present day. Archangel is full of classic William Gibson plot twists, dialog, characters and settings. Post apocalyptic cyberpunk World War time travel storytelling at it’s finest.” As for Gibson himself, he describes the new series as “Band of Brothers Vs Blackwater.” [Comics Alliance]

Titan Comics Brings Us Adventures of the lost Doctor Who

One of the big announcements from Titan Comics, the British publisher who brings us the Doctor Who comic series, was the news of  a new mini-series featuring the Eighth Doctor, played by actor Paul McGann. McGann’s very brief stinit as the Doctor only included poorly received TV movie, meant to test the waters for a possible BBC series collaboration with Fox, that didn’t end up happening for several years. Though the film is not loved by fans, many agree that McGann himself could have been a great Doctor in another series. Now Titan is going to give fans a ‘what if’ scneario, with each issue serving as an ‘episode’ of the show. The new mini-series comesout October 28, and will be written by George Mann with art by Emma Vieceli. [Comics Beat]

Vertigo Relaunches This fall

With all the New 52 and DCYOU relaunches of the past few years, DC’s Vertigo imprint, home to such modern classics as Sandman, Preacher, Fables, and many, many others, has seemingly fallen by the wayside. Now at SDCC last week, the publisher announced a major relaunch of the imprint for this fall, with twelve new titles, from creators as diverse as John Kripke, Gail Simone, Michael Allred, Darwyne Cook, Peter Milligan, and many others. For the full rundown of all twelve books, click here: [CBR]

SPOILERS-Did Batman Just Learn The Joker’s True Identity?

In this week’s Justice League #42, part of Geoff John’s Darkseid War storyline, Batman takes over the role of Metron on the Mobius Chair and becomes the God of Knowledge, and learns the true identity of the Joker, knowledge that seems to hit him right where it hurts. Is it someone he knows? We won’t be sure for awhile, but for right now Bruce Wayne is ‘Bat-God’ the way he’s always been joked about as being in the comics anyway for years. [Bleeding Cool]

Marvel Reveals More Manga Variant Covers

By now you’ve probably seen the awesome new hip-hop variant covers that Marvel has cooked up for the fall, but they’re not the only cool new set of variants coming from the House of Ideas. Marvel is doing a series of manga style variant covers for September, and they just revealed a whole new crop of them. The new variant covers are: Weirdworld #4 by Ken Niimura, Old Man Logan #4 by Homare, A-Force #4 by Toshirou, Ant-Man: Last Days #1  by Q Hayashida, Guardians of Knowhere #3 by Yasuhiro Nightow, and Silk #7 by Gurihiru, Spider-Island by Yusuke Murata, All-New Hawkeye #5 by Chiki Ogata, and Planet Hulk #4 by Imaishi Hiroyuki. Check them out in our gallery below. [Newsarama, CBR and Comic Book]


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