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Comics Relief: Marvel Announces King-Size Jack Kirby Book, DC Cleans House, & Warren Ellis’ Latest

Hello there, fangirls and fanboys, it’s another edition of Comics Relief, where we gather all the comics news of the week that’s fit to read. This week, we have news on Marvel finally paying proper homage to Jack “The King” Kirby, Valiant’s new X-O Manowar event, and Free Comic Book Day announces the full list of all fifty comics for the 2015 event. But first, DC does a little house cleaning prior to their latest big event, Convergence

DC Cleans House Prior To Convergence, Cancels 13 DCU Books

DC Comics released their March 2015 solicitations this week, and to say they are “cleaning house” prior to Convergence, which takes up all of April and May, is something of an understatement. DC is cancelling 13 DC Universe titles that month, many which have been around since the New 52 began, like Green Lantern Corps and Batwoman. Rumor has it that when Convergence ends, there will be something of a mini-relaunch of the DCU books, and some of the cancelled books might return as all new #1 issues. But in the meantime, be prepared to say farewell to some long-running favorites. [Newsarama]


DC Movie Poster Variant Covers

And speaking of DC in March, that’ll be the same month that the publisher releases their latest batch of variant covers, this time based on famous movies posters of the past (almost all of which are from parent company Warner Brothers.) This is maybe DC’s most inspired batch of variants covers in a long time, with covers like Action Comics doing a Bill and Ted riff, Batgirl evoking Prince in Purple Rain, and Wonder Woman bringing a little 300 into the mix. But the most inspired? The Justice League as the cast of Magic Mike. While I usually hate when DC gets all sexists and leaves Wonder Woman off their Justice League line-up merchandise…maybe in this case I can make an exception. You can see all 22 covers at the following like: [Digital Spy]


ICYMI: Archie Re-launches in 2015 

All-American icon Archie Andrews is celebrating 75 years in publication in 2016, and to celebrate, Archie Comics is relaunching Archie #1 with an all-new modern look and style, with writer Mark Waid and artist Fiona Staples, best known for her work on Saga. This version of Archie is going to be totally contemporary, giving the long-running series about the high school lives of the citizens of Riverdale a much needed update. To find out more, click right here.


WonderCon 2015 Announces Their First Five Guests

It may seem like a ways away, but WonderCon in Anaheim will be here before you know it. Currently set to be held April 3-5 at the Anahaim Convention Center, the convention promoters have announced their first five guests: Comic book legend Neil Adams, Gotham Academy’s Becky Cloonan, Aaron Kuder, Justice League International’s Kevin Maguire and Batman artist Dustin Nguyen. Many more will be announced soon no doubt, as WonderCon has grown into a con that’s beginning to rival San Diego. [Comics Beat]


 Marvel Announces King-Size Jack Kirby Collection

Marvel Comics has announced the forthcoming debut of an all-new “King-Size Kirby” hardcover book, featuring the greatest work of legendary artist Jack Kirby. This new massive 800-page collection will collect material from over forty Marvel comics published between 1940 and 1978 to showcase and celebrate the career and art of Jack Kirby. “If there were a Mount Rushmore of American comic book artists, Jack Kirby would be front and center,” said Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso in a statement. And man, is that an understatement — without Jack Kirby, there would be no Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, the Avengers and lots, lots more. The book will be released in Marvel’s relatively new Adamantium-sized format, which they previously used for the also hefty Wolverine: The Adamantium Collection. Like that book, the King-Size edition will stand over a foot tall. The “King-Size Kirby” hardcover will go on sale sometime  in July 2015 [Comic Book Resources]


Valiant Announces 2015 X-O Manowar Event Arc, Dead Hand

One of Valiant Comics’ most well known and enduring properties is X-O Manowar, and in 2015 Valiant is giving fans a major event featuring the character, titled Dead Hand. In a press release issued by the publisher, Valiant says that “X-O Manowar is all that stands between Earth and the ultimate doomsday fail-safe!” Dead Hand begins in March 2015 in X-O Manowar #34, from New York Times best-selling writer Robert Venditti (Armor Hunters, The Flash) and artist Diego Bernard (Red Lanterns). In a statement, writer Robert Venditti said, “‘Dead Hand is going to take the mythology surrounding the X-O Manowar armor, and the entire Valiant Universe, in a direction not seen before.” Dead Hand officially begins in March, 2015. [Newsarama]


Free Comic Book Day Reveals All Fifty Comics For 2015

Last week we revealed the top 12 “Gold Sponsors” for next year’s Free Comic Book Day. This week, the good folks who organize the event have revealed all fifty comics that will be available this year-and it is quite an impressive list! Included are books featuring fan favorites like Sonic the Hedgehog, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Tick and Street Fighter, to name but a few.To check out all fifty titles in advance, click on this link: [Free Comic Book Day]


Warren Ellis Reveals Latest Book For Dynamite Entertainment, Project Blackcross

Warren Ellis is joining up with the Project Superpowers books over at Dynamite, with a new superhero comic, Project Blackcross, written by Ellis and drawn by artist Colton Worley. From the official press release: “All small towns have secrets.  All small towns have ghosts.  Blackcross, in the Pacific North West of America, has more secrets than most.  And it is being haunted by something impossible.  Blackcross, a supernatural extension of the Project Superpowers mythos, is a ghost story about something reaching out from the other side of the night, through the forest and mist of this remote town, to grasp at the hearts of a handful of people who may not find out that they’re the targets of a strange killer until it’s much, much too late.” Warren Ellis rarely disappoints. Will this be the latest Transmetropolitan, or will it be another Ultimate Fantastic Four where he kind of phones it in? We’ll find out in 2015. [Bleeding Cool]


Are you particularly looking forward to any of these comics news items coming to pass? Let us know in the comments below!



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  1. Lone Madrona says:

    passing along the news of the new covers is so much appreciated you should take the rest of the month off 😉
    so many amazing ones.