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Comics Relief: DC Announces THE LEGEND OF WONDER WOMAN Series

In today’s edition of Comics Relief, we’re still sifting through all the big announcements from New York Comic Con, plus all the other big news that’s dropped since the weekend’s big show. So let’s begin with the incredible news that Comic’s Amazing Amazon is getting another digital first series at DC—just in time for her first ever big screen appearance next year. Read on for all the details…

The Legend of Wonder Woman coming in January from DC

Last month, Wonder Woman fans were super bummed to find out that the excellent digital first series Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman was being cancelled, despite being the home of some of the best stories in years and giving Diana a second ongoing comic for the first time since the 1940’s. But now DC is rectifying that mistake by launching a new Wonder Woman digital series from Womanthology’s Renae De Liz titled, The Legend of Wonder Woman. The nine-issue miniseries will focus on Diana’s origin and debut in January 2016, written and illustrated by De Liz.

It’s not yet known if this series is in continuity with the DC Universe or not; Diana’s time as a youngster on Themyscria and the events that led her to leave for Man’s World were not covered in the New 52 reboot, so it could be. But Diana is definitely wearing her pre-New 52 costume in this series, which leads one to believe this is its own continuity. In any event, this will be the first Wonder Woman series both written and illustrated by a female creator in a very long time, and that alone is worth celebrating. [The Hollywood Reporter]

New Brian Azzarello series American Monster announced for Aftershock Comics

Mike Marts’ new imprint Aftershock Comics has just announced one of its first titles, American Monster, and it’s from the stellar creative team of Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets, Wonder Woman, the upcoming Dark Knight III: The Master Race) and artist Juan Doe (Fantastic Four) Here’s the official description of the first issue of American Monster:

“War changes people. The person who leaves is never the person who returns. Theo Montclare is such a person. Horribly scarred and disfigured during his tour of duty, Theo returns to the small Northwestern town that was once his home a changed man, transformed emotionally and physically, both in appearance and in perception. But is he a returning hero or a modern day Frankenstein?”

American Monster is scheduled to hit in January of 2016. Check out a preview of the cover for issue #1 below:

Spider-Women crossover coming to Marvel

Speaking of badass heroines: right now over at Marvel there are more women with Spider-powers than there are Spider-men, with three different Spider-women all carrying their own ongoing series. In the recent Spider-Verse crossover event, a friendship was formed between the Spider-Woman of Earth 616 (Jessica Drew), the Spider-Woman of Earth 65 (Gwen Stacy), and the new Earth 616 hero Silk (Cindy Moon). Now these arachnid heroines are set to star in their own crossover event series without Spider-Man, titled (appropriately enough), Spider-Women, announced at New York Comic Con.

The story of Spider-Women deals with what happens when Jessica Drew and Cindy Moon find themselves stranded in Spider-Gwen’s alternate reality Earth. While they’re away from the main 616 Marvel universe, doppelgangers masquerading as them begin wreaking havoc in Manhattan. The story begins in the upcoming Spider-Women #1, then runs through their respective Spider-Woman, Silk, and Spider-Gwen titles and concludes in Spider-Women #2. The series will be written by Dennis Hopeless, Jason Latour, and Robbie Thompson, and is expected next spring. [Comic Book Resources]

Obi-Wan & Anakin, together again in new mini-series

Marvel has been having tremendous success with their Star Wars comics since they launched this past January, and the titles—which include the monthly ongoing Star Wars and Darth Vader series, as well as the Princess Leia, Lando and Chewbacca mini-series—have been among Marvel’s best selling titles of 2015.

But all of them have been taking place in the original trilogy timeline, or in the time period leading up to The Force Awakens. But at NYCC, Marvel announced that they are starting to go back to the prequel era—whether you OG fans like it or not. Starting with Obi-Wan and Anakin, a new five-issue series, the new book will take place a few years after the events of  The Phantom Menace during the first few years of Anakin’s apprenticeship under Obi-Wan Kenobi (years before The Clone Wars). Written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Shattered Empire artist Marco Checchetto, the first issue  set to go on sale in January. You can check out the cover for issue #1 of Obi-Wan and Anakin below: [Newsarama]

Dark Knight Returns prequel one-shot coming in February from Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello & John Romita Jr.

If you’ve been reading Comics Relief for the past few months, then I’m sure you’ve noticed that the hype machine is in full swing for the upcoming Dark Knight III: The Master Race from Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello, and Andy Kubert, set to hit comic shops in November. But that’s not the only visit to Frank Miller’s Batman-centric universe that DC is planning on doing next year. At NYCC, DC has announced a prequel comic to the original, classic Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello, and John Romita Jr, set to debut early next year.

This would be a reunion for Miller and John Romita Jr., who worked together on the Daredevil: Man Without Fear mini-series years ago. For fans of Romita Jr., this would be the first significant Batman art from him (aside from a cameo recently in Superman) since the Punisher/Batman crossover two decades ago. The Dark Knight Returns prequel will be 48 pages long and will be released in February, while Dark Knight III: The Master Race takes a one month hiatus. DC is releasing the one-shot to commemorate the 30th anniversary of The Dark Knight Returns, which came out in 1986. [Comic Book]

Viz Media announces seven new series at NYCC

Manga fans were thrilled at this past NYCC when Viz Media, the largest importer of manga comics in North America, announced seven newly acquired series for the company’s popular Shonen Jump, Shonen Jump Advanced, VIZ Media, and Shojo Beat imprints. The new titles will launch during the Spring and Summer of 2016 and will include series like  supernatural/fantasy/action series 7th Garden Black, Clover and Monster Hunter, the sports series Haikyu! and Kuroko’s Basketball, and two shojo series, Everyone’s Getting Married and Yona of the Dawn.

Viz Media’s Hope Donovan said in a statement, “we are super excited to expand our shonen and shojo publishing catalogs next year with these new titles. Manga readers will want to jump into the assortment of fantasy, action adventure, shojo romance and sports-themed releases we have planned for 2016.” More information will be released on the upcoming titles in the coming months. [Newsarama]

Superman: Lois & Clark #1 features an old/new cover

This week, the post-Crisis, pre-Flashpoint married versions of Superman and Lois Lane return to the DC Universe in an all-new series from creators Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks titled Superman: Lois and Clark, and it turns out, they’ve been around the New-52 Earth all along. This is the classic red trunks wearing Superman we all know and love, although he’s traded in his red trunks for an all black suit and a beard these days.

The variant cover for issue #1 features Superman in this black outfit in a cover by Tony Daniel, but eagle eyed viewers might realize the image is familiar. And they should, because it’s over three years old, and features art from when Tony Daniel was going to give Superman a new second costume. Preview images of this cover were made availabe back in 2012, but DC changed their mind about giving Supes the black costume, sending this cover into the drawer, never to be published. Now it’s being pulled out for this new series—even if Superman’s new black costume isn’t exactly the same as this one. But hey, good art shouldn’t go to waste. You can check out the cover in question below: [Bleeding Cool]

IMAGES: DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Aftershock, Viz Media, 

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