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Comics Relief: Big Changes Coming for BATMAN

It’s Wednesday, which means two things: there’s a brand new Pull List and it’s time for your midweek Comics Relief! Today we’ve got LOTS of DC and Marvel news, plus some great comics get honored by GLAAD. First off, it looks like the Batman books are about to get a shake-up. Read on for the full scoop…

Is Scott Snyder leaving Batman for Detective Comics?

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s run on Batman has been one of the greatest in the character’s 75 year history. But with Greg Capullo taking a Bat-break soon, and with DC Rebirth happening, it seems Scott Snyder will be leaving the Batman title too — but not the character. Right now, rumor has it that he’ll be headlining the relaunch of Detective Comics. Also rumored is that Batman is becoming bi-monthly this summer.

According to the original report, Detective Comics will remain a monthly title, and “the decision to switch books is more likely to be remove Snyder from the event driven nature of some modern comics and of the pressure of writing the lead Batbook, and DC’s bestselling title. He will be more able to do as he pleases with he character.”

I imagine we’ll know more once we know what the heck Rebirth actually entails. [Bleeding Cool]

Whatever DC’s “Rebirth” is, artist Ethan Van Sciver is part of it

On the subject of this Rebirth thing, last week in Comics Relief we talked about the upcoming “DC Rebirth” teased by the company, but truth be told, we still don’t really know what it is. Reboot? Relaunch? Both? The first shred of any news since the teaser image was that artist Ethan Van Sciver would be joining the project…whatever the project might end up being.

In fact, DC’s Geoff Johns said on Twitter that it wouldn’t really be a DC “Rebirth” without Van Sciver involved, referring to his artistic contributions to both Green Lantern: Rebirth and Flash: Rebirth (you can see both Tweets above). Now, both of those series brought back long dead characters to the DCU…could this signal the actual rebith of the old DC Universe? Probably not, but an old schol fanboy like me can dream. And speaking of Geoff Johns…  

Jim Lee’s Marvel-ous Birthday Gift to Geoff Johns

In a loving gesture that is sure to annoy the corporate heads at Warner Brothers, DC co-publisher Jim Lee gave his buddy, DC chief creative officer Geoff Johns, a rather cool birthday present: a drawing of Colossus of the X-Men. Apparently, Peter Rasputin is Johns’ favorite Marvel hero, and Jim Lee is no stranger to the X-Men, having been one of the most popular artists ever to draw the team. Johns shared an image of the gift on Instagram, and you just know it had to bother someone above their pay grade that two of the highest ups at DC Comics were publicly sharing their love for a Marvel hero. You can see the cool drawing from Jim Lee below: [Comic Book Resources]

Thanks @jimleeart 🙂 My favorite @marvel character — Colossus! A photo posted by Geoff Johns (@geoffjohnsdc) on

“Dead No More” is a Spidey Event

Last week, we told you about Marvel’s “Dead No More” teaser, heavily suggesting the resurrection of a beloved character. Now Marvel has released a second “Dead No More” teaser, this time covered in webbing. Ok, so we know that it’s a Spider-Man character who’s coming back from the dead now. But who the heck is it? Could it be Gwen Stacy? Uncle Ben even? (Let’s hope not).  Check out the new teaser below: [Comic Book]

Lumberjanes, Wicked + Divine nominated for GLAAD Media Awards

GLAAD have announced the nominees for their annual Media Awards, including a category for “Outstanding Comic Book.” The media awards exist to honor the “fair, accurate, and inclusive representations of the LGBT community and issues that affect their lives.” The 27th Annual GLAAD Media Awards will be given out in April 2016 ceremony to be aired on LOGO.

The nominees for “Outstanding Comic Book” are:

  • Angela: Queen of Hel, written by Marguerite Bennett (Marvel)
  • Harley Quinn, written by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti (DC)
  • Lumberjanes, written by Noelle Stevenson, Shanonn Watters, Kat Leyh (BOOM! Studios)
  • Midnighter, written by Steve Orlando (DC)
  • The Wicked + Divine, written by Kieron Gillen (Image)


Marvel teams with Wounded Warrior Project with Venom: Space Knight

Peter Parker’s former bully (and US Armed Forces vet) Flash Thompson found a new lease on life when he bonded with the Venom symbiote and became the headliner of the ongoing Venom: Space Knight series. Now in a story from writer Robbie Thompson and artist Ariel Olivetti, Flash will be shown learning to walk with prosthetic legs. The story has been developed by Marvel in consultation with the service member support organization Wounded Warrior Project.

WWP spokesman Dan Nevins acted as consultant on the story. Much like Flash, Nevins is a veteran and a double amputee. In a press release from the publisher, Nevins said, “While the story itself is clearly sci-fi/fantasy, this storyline will bring awareness to the very real struggle of the obvious and not-so-obvious challenges in having lost limbs in combat, and to ultimately showcase the fortitude and resilience of the warriors Flash Thompson represents.”

The story begins in Venom: Space Knight #3, on sale this week. [Comics Alliance]


George Perez shows off Deadpool/Deathstroke mashup art

Marvel’s Deadpool and DC’s Deathstroke have always had their share of similarities, but what few fans these days realize is that Deadpool was created by artist Rob Liefeld as a deliberate homage to Deathstroke, who in turn was created by George Perez in an early issue of The New Teen Titans. Aside from just the visual look of the character and the fact that they are both mercenaries, Deadpool’s name of Wade Wilson was a rather on-the-nose nod to Deathstroke’s Slade Wilson.

Now Deathstroke co-creator George Perez has shared an image he drew at a convention a few years back of a half-Deadpool/half Deathsroke hybrid, and you can see the similarity between both characters better than ever before. Maybe if Marvel and DC ever do the whole “Amalgam Comics” mash-up thing again? Anyone remember that besides me? [Bleeding Cool]

IMAGES: DC Comics / Marvel Comics / BOOM Studios

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