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Comic Book Club: Scott Adsit and Frank Tieri

Scott Adsit (30 Rock) and Frank Tieri (Space: Punisher) talk to the guys about the end of 30 Rock next season, and sending the Punisher to shoot space right in the face.



This Week’s Stack: Avengers vs. X-Men #3, Swamp Thing #9, Daredevil #12

Week in Geek:

* More Avengers talk, as the movie breaks all box office records! Can The Dark Knight Rises take back the crown?

* Avengers 2 is coming, but do we want to see that first… or solo movies first?

* And what’s next for director Joss Whedon, now that he has SO MUCH POWER?

Check out our website at to find out how to watch the show live! And follow us on Twitter: @comicbooklive, @azalben, and @jtsizzle.
Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

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The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

All Of “Doctor Who,” Summarized

All Of “Doctor Who,” Summarized



  1. Alex says:

    @Jason: Well, the audio podcast is still an hour, so there’s that! And good comment about the geeky side, I think that’s something we hit as much as possible – we talked to Benjamin about it quite a bit – but may amp up more in the coming weeks.

    Thanks for watching and listening!

  2. Jason says:

    Love the show. I wish it were an hour long. I am so stoked for the next episode with John Benjamin (aka Archer Sterling). Make sure to interview the phrases “Mulatto Butts”, “Danger Zone”, and “Gator” in the interview!!!

    Some suggestions:

    I noticed you edited down (shortened) the intro music. Please bring it back.

    Probe your celebrity guests more about their geeky side. What was their first comic book, favorite superhero, what do they currently read…

    Review comic-book related merchandise (*see — check out the Avenger’s Cologne!!!)

  3. Alex says:

    @Buddy: That’s something we’ve tried to work on throughout the run of the show, and we do give the books to the guests before the show – just sometimes, they have nothing to say about ’em! Or, if they’re working comic professionals, DON’T want to say anything about ’em, so they’re not talking bad about a co-worker.

    Point being, yes, we’d love to get them in the discussion more, just not sure it’ll be feasible all the time.

    Thanks for watching/listening, by the way!

  4. Buddy says:

    Hey everybody, I have been really digging the show. I think it is great to have a comic book podcast with high profile guests. However I’ve noticed during the stack segment the guests get real quiet. Is there any way you guys could get your picks to them ahead of time so they might have a chance to read them and have something to say?