Jimmy Aquino (Host, Comic News
Insider), and frequent guest Jon Hoche (Vampire Cowboys) guest for a special crossover episode! Plus, if you’re from Houston, you’re not going to like us after this week.
This Week’s Stack: The Walking Dead #94, The Shade #5, TMNT Micro-Series #3: Donatello
Week in Geek:
* Big spoilers for this week’s The Walking Dead as T-Dog finally gets
half a line.
* The Avengers trailer has finally hit online… Do we love it, or REALLY
love it?
* We pour a badly CGIed 40 on the ground for the passing of Terra Nova.
Check out our website at comicbookclublive.com to find out how to watch the
show live! And follow us on Twitter: @comicbooklive, @azalben, and @jtsizzle
The Spanish flu claimed its first victim on March 4th 1918. On March 31st, Congress passed Daylight Saving (D.S) into law. No one thought one would affect the other. They were wrong, dead wrong.
Check out the trailer to a new zombie comic I’m working onhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTdO7nyGit8
@Jake: seriously, there’s so much pressure on it, it has to basically melt my eyeballs for the entire runtime, or I won’t be happy. Which is nearly impossible, of course, but good news for my eyeballs.
I can not stress enough how excited I am for the Avengers movie. And I know it probably won’t be able to live up to the hype, but a guy can hope right?