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Comic Book Club: Greg Pak

Greg Pak (Dead Man’s Run, Doctor Strange: Season One) returns to Comic Book Club for his one millionth visit to chat about his “jailbreak from Hell” series, as well as the novel he’s writing on Twitter.

Plus, Alex invites Pete into the woods with him, and occasionally the guys get around to discussing comics.

This Week’s Stack: Wolverine #300, Heart #3, Batwoman #5, Severed #6

Week in Geek:

* Walking Dead gets a 16 Episode third season!

* Marcus Nispel is directing a Hack/Slash movie, but Pete wonders if it will be funny like Conan The Barbarian.

* Joss Whedon says Steve Rogers is the “focus” character in The Avengers, and we’re looking forward to finally getting a big budget Captain America movie.

* Chronicle’s Josh Trank is the front runner to direct a Fantastic Four reboot; will Alex nab the role of Invisible Woman?

* Rob Liefeld says there’s eight minutes of actual Deadpool movie footage!

* Garth Ennis is writing The Shadow, which is not an adaptation of the Alec Baldwin movie.

STAR WARS REBELS Movie is Headed to ABC with Bonus Darth Vader

STAR WARS REBELS Movie is Headed to ABC with Bonus Darth Vader

Top Ten Space Cartoons

Top Ten Space Cartoons

HEARTHSTONE: HEROES OF WARCRAFT Coming Soon To Mobile Devices Worldwide

HEARTHSTONE: HEROES OF WARCRAFT Coming Soon To Mobile Devices Worldwide



  1. Doug Houston says:

    Thanks for this show,so glad I found the Nerdist. This show has brought back my love of comics!

  2. Luke says:

    Hey Guys. Love the audio quality now.
    Some of those youtube vids were pretty hard to watch 🙂
    Keep up the great work

  3. Alex says:

    @Vidiot: little known fact, all Greg eats are ghosts. And power pellets.

  4. Vidiot says:

    Pakman is the coolest.