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Comedy Playlist: Will Ferrell as Little Debbie, March Madness Workplace Tips, And Some Dana Gould Stand-Up

Is the weekend here yet? NO!? Well, I have some delightful videos for you to pass the time until you can spend all of that hard-earned money. You will see Will Ferrell in maybe the most flattering outfit yet as he pawns Little Debbie sweets on The Tonight Show. You sports handicapped folk will get a primer in getting through March Madness in the Worplace. You will also watch Dana Gould turn lemons into lemonade with his tales about divorce and fatherhood on Conan. I’d say you are ready to face another day after watching these gems.

Well, I can honestly say I have never taken a good look at the Little Debbie brand mascot until now. Thanks to Will Ferrell’s appearance on The Tonight Show, that pretty blue dress and bonnet will forever be emblazoned in my mindscape. Unbeknownst to McKee Food’s, Ferrell gleefully boasted his position as Little Debbie’s spokesperson. The star of the new film Get Hard did very little to promote said flick, but publicized the hell out of those tasty snack cakes. The SNL vet and Funny or Die founder cleverly encouraged the studio and TV audience to buy the delicious desserts by playing a “wittle” guessing game and getting Fallon to do a short promo himself. McKee Foods might want to think about hiring America’s new “sweetheart” for their next campaign.

Are you hopeless when it comes to sports? I know I am. Heck, I got out of P.E. with a doctor’s note for YEARS! Well, if you are like me, March Madness means as little to you as championship curling. So what happens when you are clueless in the workplace during this time of year? Lucky for you the folks at Nacho Punch created this handy video to steer you in the right direction when you just don’t know how to interact with your fanatic co-workers and boss. Be a team player and everything will be just fine! March Madness is basketball, right?

Hooray, we’re back to stuff I know about. Twinkle Twin Dana Gould delivered a winning stand-up set on Conan that had me smiling from ear to shining ear. Host of The Dana Gould Hour podcast and former Simpsons writer had a bit of fun with the topic of divorce and the unavoidable problems that come with that state of life. I was especially tickled by Gould’s story about the collection of his children’s teeth he’s amassed through “tooth fairy” exchanges and the image of a lonely father “sifting fingers through an envelope of human teeth.” Now that’s laughs for days! Enjoy!

Eat a snack and tell us which video you liked the most below.

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What Color Is That Dress!?

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