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Comedy Playlist: Open Office Environments, Michael Bolton in OFFICE SPACE, and Some Regrettable Tats

Whether your office is indoors or outdoors, everyone has a job to do. I’d prefer to do my work lounging on an inflatable chaise floating atop an infinity pool overlooking a lush rainforest. Hey! One can dream. Today’s Comedy Playlist just happens to be office-heavy. We have videos about the strange things people say in an open office layout, as well as a visit to Office Space where the real Michael Bolton re-enacts timeless scenes. We also check out the Philadelphia Tattoo Convention with UCB1 correspondent Sue Smith who tries her best to stop the ink from flowing. Sue may have the best job ever.

There seems to be a hierarchy when it comes to office workstations. At the pinnacle you have the closed office, followed by the cubicle farm, and ending with the dreaded open office. Privacy, of course, is not a luxury when it comes to the latter environment. From the mind of writer Celeste Ballard, Above Average presents four co-workers saying a bit more than they probably should. Just some words that should never be uttered in the workplace include “Metamucil,” “ankle bracelets,” “sex tape,” and “scabies.” Enjoy Weird Things to Say in an Open Office!

Sue Smith is UCB1’s roving reporter and she has more than one tattoo she can show off. Her assignment here is to halt visitors of the Philadelphia Tattoo Convention from regretting the tattoos they will very soon wear FOREVER. Sue shows off her tattoo of a pear dressed as Sherlock Holmes. I don’t think she needs much more ammunition than that to Jedi mind trick these folks to Think Before You Ink. Kids, there are some really intimidating looking dudes in this video. Holy Schnikes!

And now for the crème de la crème of office videos. You’ve got to know that Mike Judge’s Office Space is the best work comedy ever created. Right? RIGHT! Just when you thought the movie could not get any better, actual magic happened. What if you replaced the actor playing Michael Bolton, the programmer that shares his name with the Grammy winning singer, with the actual guy? Ding! Ding! Ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Watch the meta-Michael Bolton acting in Office Space outtakes like no other “ass clown” could. Yes, the printer bashing scene is in there! You’re welcome. We love you, Michael.

Yo, point @SOoooohaha to your favorite vids of the day and they could displayed like your favorite band t-shirt.

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