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Come See A New Red-Band Trailer and Poster For Seth MacFarlane’s A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST

There’s something you have to appreciate about that Seth MacFarlane guy. Love him or hate him, the man works his ass off to make things he loves. Be it one of the crassest cartoons this side of South Park, a foul mouthed teddy bear, or a western/comedy, it’s very clear the person having the most fun making things produced by Seth MacFarlane is Seth MacFarlane himself, and with that, we bring you a brand new red-band trailer for his latest outing, A Million Ways To Die In The West.

Okay, okay, we’ll admit it, the “I’m gonna close the bible now” bit got us going.

Many of the trailers up to this point have been selling us on the film’s all star cast, featuring the likes of Liam Neeson and Charlize Theron, with occasional bits of dark humor, such as the giant ice-cube bit, thrown in between title cards. This time, Universal went all out on the funny, and as twisted as some of the jokes are, you can’t help but laugh.

Just as Ted took a lot of people by surprise two years ago, maybe MacFarlane is going to make lightning strike twice with his new comedy. If that is indeed the case, then perhaps we can finally get Ted 2 into production. We’re just glad this trailer didn’t ruin what is arguably the best gag in the film like the trailer that played this past weekend with The Amazing Spider-Man 2.


A Million Ways To Die In The West hits theaters May 30th.

HT: Latino-Review

Image: Universal Studios


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