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How to Turn 1200 Colored Pencils Into a Working Guitar

Colored pencils and guitars aren’t often mentioned in the same sentence, and with good reason: very few people on earth set out to master both. You can be a pencil person or a guitar person, but rare is the artistic genius who can wield the twain with equal aplomb. We have an inkling that YouTuber Burls Art may be one of those rare specimens, however; having previously made a snowboard out of (almost) nothing but duct tape, his sights have turned in a more musical direction to create a particularly virant musical instrument, as seen in this video we were tipped off to by Geekologie:

When you get down to it, it’s not a huge mystery how this was achieved, though how the gentleman maintained the patience to do it all is something we might wonder forever. With epoxy and resin, he made a solid block out of colored pencils (1200, in all), and cut and sanded it into shape. We’re guessing he’s a Vernon Reid fan, because this guitar is what you’d literally call living color.

Don’t skip over the parts where he’s sanding it down. The most beautiful wood shavings you’ve ever seen ensue, like glorious, inedible cotton candy. And yes, it really works in the end, as Mr. Art busts out a bit of “To God Be The Glory” by Mateus Asato, suggesting that perhaps divine inspiration was at work here. “Colors of the Wind” is the tune we were hoping for, but maybe he takes requests.

Image: Burls Art

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