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A Firework Rocket Launcher For Your Viewing Enjoyment

Inventor and YouTuber Colin Furze has built yet another amazing creation for your viewing enjoyment. This time around he’s made us a firework rocket launcher. In the video, we see numerous attempts to shoot this massive thing and it’s ridiculously satisfying to watch. He shoots at a tent, moving cars and even ties strings to his socks to see if he can blow them off. Give a whole new meaning to knocking one’s socks off, huh?

Want to know how he did it? (You will not watch the video below and attempt to shoot your own socks off, right?) Furze has a five minute long video that gives you all the details. He took bits of metal and pipes from the scrap yard to create the rocket launcher, after coming up with the idea while playing a video game. He said he doesn’t mind that it looks “steampunk-y” and, of course, throws in a little “Get to the choppa!”

Not familiar with Furze’s work? He’s done everything from making a fire wheel from fireworks to a pulse jet drift trike to a centrifugal turkey-cooking machine. In October 2015, Furze created a Hidden Blade and rope launcher to promote the Ubisoft game Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate. Furze has appeared on the Sky1 series Gadget Geeks as an expert. An expert. That means, definitely don’t try any of this stuff at home. We really don’t want any of you to blow your hands off. How will you surf the interwebs if you do? There are easier ways to remove your socks.

Check out the videos (and prepare to head down a clickhole for a few hours), and let us know what you think. Tweet me/us @JennaBusch/@Nerdist and tell us which one is your favorite.


HT: YouTube
Image credit: Colin Furze

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